27. crack to my celibacy ll

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Painfully it's already the weekend and Seokjin's nerves are on edge. He practiced so many things, like how to cover up and how he can distract his friends when the topic reaches his relationship. But it will be hard considering the two pairs of couples in their circle, now the third one is him and Jungkook.

A fake one.

As it's the first time Jungkook going to meet Jin's friends he asks him to go together. Still, Seokjin can't understand why Jungkook said yes to Jimin. But Jungkook is someone so easy to be friends with, he likes to make new friends and Jimin is not any less, so they clicked very fast.

A painful reality to Seokjin.

Jungkook talks a lot, it's something Seokjin strangely liked, though he likes people who hear more than talk. It's just that Seokjin felt it suited Jungkook.

Throughout the ride, Jungkook asked many questions about his friends and talked about his friends who stayed abroad. Seokjin likes it a lot, talking to Jungkook about some random things not just meeting timings.

When Jin and Jungkook entered the restaurant, he saw the two pairs happily waving at them. Namjoon is nowhere to be seen. He texted he was caught up in traffic. Now seokjin feels it's so difficult as it's going to be a conversation between three couples. Two real and one fake


" Hi, jin..."

Seokjin didn't get much time to react as Taehyung followed by Hosoek tightly hugging him and telling him they missed him, it's been 3 weeks since they met. Soon Jimin also hugged him while greeting Jungkook, surprisingly yoongi also hugged him considering how this kitten doesn't like physical affection. Maybe Jin is a bad person for faking his relationship, even Yoongi believed him.

Jungkook was a little surprised by the way Jin's friends greeted him, considering how introverted a person he was. But it's good seeing Jin be so openly welcoming to people and their physical affection.

" Hi "

Jungkook greeted looking at everyone, thanks to Jimin who made everything easy for Jin.

" Guys, it's Jeon Jungkook. The nicest guy I have ever met and Seokjin's boss and now a colleague of mine and especially -"

" you are claiming him the nicest person in front of Yoong's!!"

Taehyung couldn't control but tease Jimin, and Jin wanted to kiss Taehyung's hand, he was expecting Jimin to end up with Seokjin's boyfriend in the next line.

" My boyfriend is broad-minded"

Jimin childishly put his tongue out at Taehyung before side-hugging Yoongi.

Jin, Jungkook took the seat beside Jimin. Soon Jungkook was introduced to everyone and they all blended in so well as if they had been friends for a long.

It's mixed feelings for Seokjin, he likes the way Jungkook chats with them happily without any worries, he looks more natural in the casuals than in those suits, and it feels like Jungkook is closer than ever. Natural. At the same time, the uneasiness of getting caught for using his name is crashing him.

Soon Namjoon arrived and greeted everyone including Jungkook. Suddenly Jungkook felt a little awkward because the man looked too good, it's not that others didn't make him intimidating with their auras but just, that this man was something different. His smile is so cute, but what's bothering him is the smile gets a tint of shyness whenever he is looking at Seokjin.

Seokjin too, is open with Namjoon whether the physical affection by removing his eyelashes on his cheek or completing his sentences whenever he struggles with conveying things. As if they know each other very well. Jungkook wants to scold himself, but he gets it finally he doesn't like Namjoon, a part of Namjoon who is so close to Seokjin.

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