9. My safe place

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" Jungkook can you tell any secret ?? Like something that other members also don't know of "

The interviewer asked me. I didn't know it was already my turn, I was still trying to compose myself after hearing Seokjin Hyung's answer.


There are a lot...

" Come on Jk "

Seokjin Hyung has to go and massage my thighs to ask for it. I tried to push his hand but I don't know why Hyung thought I wanted to hold it, so he intervened with our fingers and suddenly I didn't want to let it go. so, I placed my other hand over our intervened hands.

" It's about Seokjin Hyung!!!"

That made Seokjin Hyung comically widen his eyes.

" Ahh... is it about me eating Jimin's ice cream!?? You can't disclose it like that..."

Hyung whined like a baby, of course, Jimin Hyungg got angry because he gave us a timeline to accept who ate it. Seokji Hyungng acted cool now he got caught up by his own.

" Ahh hyung!!!! How can you...??"

Their bickering went on finally everyone forgot what was the question asked for me.

But my mind is running with the word 'secret.....

I disclose some day??

To my seokjin hyung, to my member, to my family, to my AR, to this world...??

That .... Secret of Jeon Jungkook is in love with Kim Seokjin!!!!

Jungkook doesn't remember the day, time, place, or how or why he fell in love with Jin.

But he does remember the day when he understood he couldn't give any other name for what he felt towards Seokjin.

It was dark...

Jungkook wiped his teas, which were foolishly making a race. He covered his mouth tight enough, not to leave his whimpers out. Strangely he felt his suffocating washroom was the only safest place for him, to be himself...

It's been too much, too much of acting. He felt he might have burnt out from this exhaustion, ha,t e, and rejection.

What did he do to people ??

He was always nice to others not because he had to, it's just he i...

But all he received was hate.., and funny comments, his photos became ugly memes, and his hard work has been dumped in a dustbin by people...

But it's not just him who is facing these things... other members are also facing the same things... Maybe on comparing he is getting less burn. He should be strong like others, who always support him, and encourage him.

But no... He can't, he can't appreciate what he has. He is here expecting everything to be nice like a dream. Why can't he be more strong??? Why can't he fake his smile? Does he have to make others worry for him...??

He is becoming g burden for his six hyungs, he knows.

Stupidly thinking of all the unfair treatment and rejection from his people made him cry... cry more, as tomorrow is going to be different
It's unfair, So unfair for them!!! They are just teenage boys with passion, who want to work hard to fulfill their dreams why society is so cruel to them..?

Are their dreams so unreal ?? Are they can never win people's hearts?  Are they never the e best ??

He lowered his head between his legs and squeezed his eyes letting all the tears wash out.

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