18. The puppy

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Seokjin pressed the password and he felt relaxed as soon as the door opened. He changed into home slippers and walked to the living room where his annoying husband lying upside down on their couch looking at his mobile.

Seokjin smiled looking at him, isn't he feeling the blood rushing to his brain!!, At least finally he is relaxing.

It's been months since his husband Jeon Jungkook became a choreographer at B-hit company working non-stop, it was poor of him to meet with an accident while planning choreography because he had terrible Spain, the doctor advised him to take bed rest at least for 3 weeks.

Oh, but this guy couldn't keep his legs on the bed for even 5 min. He started moving around giving excuses he could just sit and instruct Bla but instead up seokjin and Jungkook had a big bad fight.

SeokJin felt terrible while leaving home in the morning for work without talking to Jungkook. He wanted to say sorry and he understands Jungkook's passion but he also should understand that his health comes before anything. So seokjin have to be strict sometimes.

But now looking at this puppy who is sulking while watching some performance shows he can't help but smile.

Seokjin cleared his throat making Jungkook lift his head, he was lying upside down his hair covered by his puppy eyes which blinked at Seokjin. He got up with a little struggle and turned straight on he kept his phone on the table and looked at Seokjin.

It's been 10 days since he had a headache, his hair is messy and sticky, I s eyes are swollen as he is not sleeping properly because of the pain and discomfort, and he is not eating properly thinking how he messed up his work. This guy!!! Seokjin can't understand sometimes is he human or puppy. !??

" Did you eat??"

Jungkook just shook his head, making Seokjin worry again.

" Why didn't you order anything jungkook !? isn't it time for your medicine!!? Don't tell me you didn't take your afternoon medicine also..."

Jungkook ducked his head down not answering, wow!! Day by day Jungkook is making Seokjin lose his patience.

" You don't want to get better?? Do you hate me?? "

Jungkook has a big pout on his lip, and ow his fingers keep on trying to tear the threads in his shirt.

" Jungkook!!!"

Seokjin took a deep breath before continuing,

" I will cook something give me 20 min"

Still, Jungkook didn't say anything, not even look at Jin.

Seokjin went to their room and freshened up quickly before going to the kitchen to prepare something for Jungkook

He put the food in the bowl and took it to Jungkook where he was sitting earlier, Jin placed the food in front of JK, who still sulking.
He is mad at sSeokjin but it's sSeokjinwhohase right here to be mad at someone. Jungkook is the one who abandoned his health, giving all the worries to Jin.

" Stop eating junk, if you want to get back to your work you need energy, and let me clear it to you, the energy comes from nutritious  food and medicine ."

Seokjin is annoyed, why jungkook doesn't have this minimum sense.?
Jungkook took the emote beside him and on the TV  making Seokjin close his eyes he reached his limits today and his sore body wasn't helping

" Jungkook common don't be irresponsible now "

He took the remote and switched off the TV.

" You don't love me anymore "

Jungkook words made Seokjin confuse,

" What the hell instead of choosing a bed I cooked you a meal and begged you to eat it."

Jungkook is crying now, and great.

" Jungkook please, don't do this now. See I am also exhausted I can understand you don't like to be pointed, but we can't help right.?And there is no need to blame yourself or anyone. It was an accident.

And you will be fine after some weeks. I don't want to yell at you, but I am mad at myself I can't give you enough time because of the work and when I came back here you were sitting,g not eating, not taking tablets, can't you understand how I feel!?. I don't want to see you sick.

And sorry if I came out harsh, sorry kookie, please eat a little.... please baby"

Jungkook lifted his head and smiled a little still crying.

" I don't like us fighting Jin, even when we fight I don't like you calling me by my full name something you never did.  I felt so distant. You have been calling me Jungkook for two days do you know how I feel!!? That makes me I am at fault or something. Don't call me that "

Seokjin laughed a little seriously!! Yes, Jungkook never likes it when he doesn't use endearing words for him 

" Okay, I am so sorry I was too mad at how you abandoned your health. And Hyung is so sorry about that kookie, baby If something is there you should tell it to me don't give me this silent treatment or this self-harming behavior You look like a lost puppy."

Jungkook nuzzled at Seokjin's neck, who welcomed him with a hug, The hug turned into a Cuddle, seokjin was a big spoon while Jungkook was a little spoon. SeokJin's fingers ran through those messed sticky hairs.

"Jin, I think birds can live in my hair Doesn't it look dense nest now!!? And I smell bad too. "

" Oh yes, I like however you are but still physical care is important my bunny so is it okay if I give bath to you "!?

Jungkook lifted his head and nodded at him with a big smile on his face.

" I love you, but you should be naked too"

" Babe, I just took a bath. And to give you a bath I don't need to be out of my clothes "

Seokjin leaned down and kissed Jungkook's pout.

" Hmm, I know that, anyhow I am going to make big splashes in the bathtub then your clothes will get wet and you have to change,o isn't it better to remove them first."

Seokjin smiled knowing what jungkook meant.

" Babe, do you want us to have sex while showering??"

Jungkook nodded again like an obedient bunny. How come Jin got angry with this bunny? Oh, he forgot even though he is the sweetest bunny ever but he can be pan in Seokjin's ass sometimes.

" Okay, but for that you should first eat and take your medicine. Then only you will get my dick "

Jungkook whined about taking medication as they are bitter, and Jin joked they can't be sweet. It took almost 40 min for Jungkook to finish the food, of course, Jin fed him, telling him what happened in the workplace for every bite, maybe making it more exciting and funny with his gestures and high-pitched voice.

Then they went to bed, of course, afterbath. As Jin promised he removed his clothes first and then Jungkook's before helping him to sit in the tub as he still couldn't move around without the help.

Jin washed Jungkook's hair 3 times with shampoo in a row and then a conditioner while Jungkook told him some childhood memories while his fingers played with Seokjin's thighs. Followed by Jin washing Jungkook's body with extra care making him giggle with every touch.

Sex, hmm....they had the best sex. Not so wild compared to their kinks, as Jungkook couldn't move much which restricted their wild positions  But Jungkook said he had the best orgasm and he is going to get better soon. Well, SeokJin is there with him, forever.

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