6. Still with you ll

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" Seokjin what's the matter!!? Sweety what happened, if you are going to cry like this what can we understand seokjin ah... Jinnie... Please"

Seokjin's mom and dad are now losing their shit looking at Seokjin who is crying standing in the middle of the aisle, without moving any further...

Seokjin could see only one person right now. Whose gaze never left Seokjin...

" I ...I can't ...."

That's all Seokjin could say, nobody understood except Jungkook, he ran in a beat to Seokjin and kneeled in front of him, who was sitting in his wheelchair ...

A smile formed on Seokjin and brought a big grin to Jungkook's face. Just like a mirror image with more intensity.

Jungkook leaned in and captured Seokjin's lips making everyone gasp, the whispers became loud noises in the room...

Jungkook and Seokjin's parents are still contemplating while the groom and his family leave the room...

" Finally.... Hu...?? Had to go and drive me crazy!!?".

Jungkook's forehead rested on Seokjin's, Who just closed his eyes as tears ran down.

" Jungkook, What's all this?? Do you think it's a playground... You .."

" Dad... You know that I am in love with Seokjin...You know that, stop doubting me. I know you love Seokjin, Trust me Dad I am not that irresponsible or undeserving of Seokjin. I can make him happy..  "

Jungkook's dad looked at Seokjin's dad.. they didn't know what to say...

" What if it's all just because you grew up with Seokjinnie, ?? Just because you are comfortable being with him..?? "

Jungkook's mother knows there can never be any other person who can understand Seokjin like Jungkook. But when it comes to love. it's a little tricky.

" Mom, you know it's not true. Everyone knows here, fucking everyone including Seokjin. so why are you all doubting me..?? I can be a brat, but not evil, at least not someone who will make Seokjin cry...so why?? Why can't be me??"

Seokjin's mother is the first one to hug Jungkook to calm him down a little...

" Jungkook... sweetie we never doubted you, not about you taking care of Seokjin, but we don't want both of you to make any decisions just in thought of the responsibility you guys held towards each other... Love is not just a responsibility..."

Jungkook took Seokjin's mother's hands in his looking straight into her eyes.

" Aunt, I know what you are referring to...seokjin is my responsibility but not just that...he is more than that to me. I am just asking for a chance, that you guys are scared to give me. I know you guys are thinking about our friendship, but trust me there is nothing in this world that can break our friendship... Please believe me...."

Jungkook's dad cleared the voice and looked at Seokjin who was looking at nothing but the floor.

" Seokjin... Jungkook,  I think you guys should talk in person about this first, and remember whatever you both are going to decide we will happily accept it. If it's going to end up as Seokjin being my son-in-law I think I will be the happiest person..."

With that Jungkook turned Seokjin's wheelchair to the door side.

They went to the lobby. Jungkook kneeled in front of Seokjin, ready to hear him. 

" Why.. why are you looking at me like that??"

Seokjin asked if Jungkook doesn't know his looks can be intimidating sometimes.

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