The Sword

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"Hey, princess. You looking at me?" I kick the punching bag with a picture of those awful princess on it.

"All squadrons, report to training area immediately for evaluation." A woman said over the PA.

I quickly run to the training area. I notice that Catra is not there.

"Psst. Anyone seen Catra?" I whisper. I get a mumble from Lonnie. And some head nods. I scoff, "Not again."

"At attention, cadets. Your simulation is about to begin. Here's your scenario. You'll be passing through the treacherous Whispering Woods to reach the heart of rebel insurgency, Bright Moon. Your mission is to defeat the Queen of the Princesses and liberate Bright Moon in Lord Hordak's name. Where is Catra?"

"She will be here. I promise." I said quickly. God I really hope she shows up.

"Mm-hmm. The Wispering Woods is full of Princesses. Vicious, violent instigators. They will take you out if given the chance. Don't give it to them. Good luck, recruits."

I quickly scan the area. I spot a princess. "Watch out!" I scream.

Kyle starts trembling, "Oh, no, no, no!" While covering his head.

I hear some shouting but stayed focused. I threw a grenade which blew up one of the Princesses. "Come one, this way." I shout. I hear a growl  before something starts shooting at us. We all look back to see Kyle on the ground screaming. I turn him over and a red 'x' pops up. "Seriously, Kyle." I scolded.

"Bra-vo." Lonnie looks down at him in disappointment. I look up to see a bunch of princess swarming is. "Seriously, Kyle?"

The princess start shooting at us.

"Run!" I quickly scream. I put my shield above my head before boing off.

Lonnie screams my name. And I hear an alarm start beeping. I move backwards as the floor starts falling. A giant princess emerges. I start running towards it and take out both of its lasers. Just as I got off it the whole Princess explodes. I turn and see Catra making her usual late entrance. She turns back to me and points a finger to the ground and an alarms starts beeping. Before I could even react the floor crumbles and I go with it. I was able to catch myself before going completely with it.

"Hey, Adora. How's it hanging?"

"Catra." I whisper just loud enough for her to hear. "Did you really show up late and let us do all the hard parts? That is low, even for you. Claire would be very disappointed.

"Aw. 1st you know nothing's too low for me. 2nd Claire would not be disappointed because she is dead." Catra laughed. "Come on, you look stupid hanging down there."

Claire was a friend of ours. We went on a mission one day when we were 16, and she had died. At least that's what everyone says. No more missions for us. Hordak was especially upset with us, considering that Claire was his daughter.

"Training exercise successfully completed." A woman over the PA said while Catra was pulling me up.

I was putting away my stuff when Catra walked over to me. "You should have seen your face. You were like, 'Aah, no! Betrayal."

"Oh, come on, Catra. We're senior cadets now. We seriously need to focus if we even want to be considered for more missions. I can't believe you're still pulling such childish, immature — Is that a mouse?" I shouted while pointing up.

"What? Where?" Catra shrieked. I burst out laughing at her.

"Are you ever going to not fall for that?" I teased.

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