Flowers for She-Ra (part 2)

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A/n Claire is finally in the story! I am so excited. This is when you will start to see her personality and how she has changed. Also I just found out I skipped the Razz episode so I am sorry about that. Also Claire would not have been in it so I guess it is not the biggest deal. Sorry this is a short one.


"Claire is that you?!" Adora yelled.

"No it is a walking, talking tree." I stated sarcastically. But really how is she here.

"Your alive!" She yelled. I wasn't sure if she was happy to see me or not.

"Look I got some stuff I am dealing with so I need you to go." I motioned her to leave.

"No!" She stated. "I haven't seen you since we were 16. You died and the minute I find out you are alive you want me to leave!"

"Adora. I know it is a lot and I will explain everything but I need to talk to Glimmer and Bow." I said not wanting to talk about what happened around her. Look I love Adora, but she is a Horde soldier and I don't want the Horde coming back for me.

She seemed to understand that I would answer her questions because she stepped out of the room.

"How do you know Adora?" Glimmer yelled at me.

"It's a long story. Which I know you want to here. So sit where ever there is no glass. And no questions till the end." I motioned around. Both Glimmer and Bow stood not in the mood for anything.

"Okay." I stated awkwardly. "I used to be a Horde soldier. Adora and I were best friends. One day we all were allowed on a mission. Outside of the Horde. On the mission I got stabbed and was thrown into the Whispering Woods. I was unconscious for a couple of days. When I woke up I had no memory of what happened or my past. All of you took me in and were so nice to me. Glimmer's mom told me that she found out a Horde soldier named Claire had died. When I told her I don't know what she was talking about she decided to get me checked out. When she found out that I had completely lost my memory she decided not to worry about it. She band me from going too far out from the castle. If it was necessary I had to go with a guard. That's why I never really went out. When you guys asked me to go with you to the Whispering Woods I was hesitant that we would get caught and be in trouble. I saw Adora there and my memory came back. And I some how teleported to my bedroom." Glimmer's mouth hung open. Bow mouth also hung open.

"Wait so you mean that you teleported. Here!" She questioned.

"Yep." I replied.

"How can that be?" Bow questioned.

"Wait why is your room torn up then." Glimmer asked.

"I might have gone a little crazy when I teleported back." I looked around the room.

"You mean you had your daily mental breakdown." Glimmer said.

I nodded.

"You might want to talk to Adora. She can turn into a princess and that might have to do with your teleporting problem." Bow replied.

"Wait she can turn into a princess." I questioned. I don't remember her doing that when we were in the Horde. But my memory is still a little foggy so that might explain it.

"Yep. And we are telling my mom about this when we come back." Glimmer stated. I groaned. I did not want to tell Glimmer's mom about this.

"Where are we going." I asked.

"To the place you have been dying to go to." Glimmer cheered changing the mood.

There was only one place I have been wanting to go to, "Plumeria!" I screamed.

We all screamed really excited to go. Then Adora opened the door, "Are we ready to go?"

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