Reunion (part6)

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A/n: Hey guys..... So I now this is taking me very long but I was really this weekend. Summer's coming up so I should be able to update more soon.


"Uh, I also study linguistics. It's a fifth major or fourth major. I'm losing count." Adora started sweating.

George then pulls down his sleeve, "What does this say?"

I peer over and look at his arm, "Lunch."

"Oh, no. I thought it said love."

Lance started laughing hysterically, "You thought it said...? I like this girl. Actually, there's one more debate you girls can settle for us."

"Uh, maybe we should help with the, uh, school project." I said. Lance the gave us these puppy eyes which I couldn't resist. "But I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Great. Onward, best research squad."


Adora and I were taken to this place with a giant blue ball.

"This was found in the same dig site as the rune stone shard. Thing is, we can't agree on what it is. So what's it say."

Adora and I look and it closely.

"That's easy." We both say in union.

"It's a password to open it. It says—-" Adora cut me off.

"Eternia." The ball started glowing.

"Ooh, ooh. It's working! It's—" the ball stopped glowing and a giant blue thing came out of it. "It's—— It's..."

"A monster." George finished. The monster launched out at us.

"It's and Elemental. This'll be a piece of cake." Adora said. See Adora was completely wrong and it was in fact not a piece of cake.

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