Ties that Bind

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Bow, Glimmer, and I were sitting in the war room. I was going to go with Adora to her She-ra training but they said they do not need me.

I was zoned out until I hear Glimmer scream, "What do you mean? Entrapta's alive?"

"Wait Entrapta's alive?" I sat up.

"I couldn't figure out how the Horde was making such big technological advances. But it all makes sense now. They must be holding Entrapta prisoner. I found First Ones tech in this bot. This is whag Entrapta was experimenting with before she—" Bow was cut off by Glimmer.

"Before we left her in the Fright Zone."

"None of you knew." I comfort Glimmer.

"It doesn't matter." Glimmer replied. "We should've gone back for her. We should've tried. She got captured trying to save us. Well, we're not leaving her there now. We've got to rescue her."

All of the sudden plants start coming out of the ground. "No no no no! Go back we're you were." The plants start to vanish into the ground. Ever since we started glowing, I have had trouble controlling my new powers. Which has been an absolute pain.

"How are we going to do that. Claire is having trouble with her powers. Also we can't just walk into the Fright Zone. That's how we got into this mess in the first place."

"Bow's right Glimmer."

She started thinking and then a light bulb went off in her head. "Maybe we don't have to. Look." She taps the table and a map pops up.

"No. The Horde took Dryl!"

"We just got word. The Horde has Entrapta, and now they have Dryl. The timing can't be a coincidence."

"Of Course. They're making her use her own lab."

"We're going to the Crypto Castle, we'll find Entrapta and bring her back. No princess left behind."

"Yes! Totally onboard. What about you Claire?" Bow asks me.

"I have nothing better to do." I respond.

"Let's get Adora!" Bow yells.

"Adora is out training with Light Hope." I say.

"What about the other princesses?"

Glimmer stops and turns around, "Entrapta got taken to save us, Bow. I'm not going to be responsible for losing anyone else."


Bow and I were hiding behind some green things. Glimmer teleports back to us.

"Any sign of Entrapta in the castle?" Bow asks.

"Nothing. And as usual, that place is impossible to navigate."

I hear someone yawn. We turn our heads and see Catra walking in front of us. She gets a call and I can hear Kyle on the other side. I could also hear someone yelling in the background who I guessed to be Entrapta. Catra starts yelling at Kyle.

Bow gasps, "Entrapta, she's really alive."

"And they're hurting her." Glimmer teleports to Catra.

"Wait!" Bow and I whisper in union.

Glimmer starts attacking Catra. Scorpia notices this and joins the fight.

Bow turns to me, "Hey I am going to help Glimmer. I know you might not want to fight Catra but I got to help her." He heads off before I can respond.

Bow starts shooting arrows and Catra.

"Glimmer we got to get out of here now." Bow runs off with Glimmer. I make the way towards the exit without anyone noticing me. We keep on running for our lives. I turn around and Catra was about to pounce on us. Before she could, Glimmer teleports us somewhere in the castle. She keeps teleporting us to the wrong place. She then teleports us to where we started. "Wait, isn't this where we started?"

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