Princess Prom (part 1)

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It had been a couple of days. Claire and I have hung out every second of those few days. I introduced her to Scorpia and she seemed to love her. I felt weird around Claire though. Like I had butterflies in my stomach anytime I talked to her. But I was definitely not falling for Claire.

Scorpia, Claire, and I were standing around talking. "I'm sick of this." I complained. "Shadow Weaver failed to get Adora, and if Hordak finds out she's disobeying him, she'll take us down with her. She's obsessed. We need to think big picture. It's time for someone new to take over—me or you, Claire. But you haven't trained in a while so I think I should take the lead on this. So, are you guys in?"

"Yep." Claire had a bright smile on her face. "You look cute when you're determined on something." I felt my face go bright red, but I shook it off.

I turned to Scorpia, "you?"

"I'm hanging out in your room." She was way to exited about this.

"Unfortunately, you and Claire are the the only one's I can trust around here."

"Because we're best friends." I hated when she started talking about being friends. She isn't my friend.

"Stop being so you and help me think. I have the beginning of a plan, but it's not enough. I need to capture Adora so Shadow Weaver doesn't demote me. I need to impress Hordak so he'll make me the new Shadow Weaver. How do I do both?"

"We'll my dad is sorta impressed with you. But he would rather me 'take over the universe by his side'." Claire had a point. Hordak always wanted Claire to be the one to take over Shadow Weaver's job and then rule with him.

"Why don't you try something at the All-Princess Ball? Every princess is going to be there, so Adora will be too. Ohh! This year's theme is Winter Wonderland."

"How did you get your claws in this?" I snatched it from her.

"They sent it to me. I'm a princess." She said it like it was no big deal.

"You're a princess?" I yelled. There was no way she was a princess.

"Yeah, you know. The Horde crash-landed in my family's kingdom. We let them stay. My family gave Hordak our Runestone, the Black Garnet."

"Yeah, you didn't know this, Catra." She acted as if it was common knowledge.


"I mean, it's covered in Force Captain orientation."

"I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have skipped that. Okay, you're a princess and you're going to a Princess Ball."

"Oh, no, I'm not going. No. No one liked my family, even before we joined the Horde. Ah... I never really fit with the other princess. I made them uncomfortable and.. Yeah, they don't like that. They don't like me."

It then hit me, "That's exactly why you have to go. How dare those princesses pretend they're better than you? Just because you're different? How dare they abandon people just because they don't fit in with their perfect little lives?" I heard a yeah from both Claire and Scorpia. "How dare they take best friends and turn them into giant sword ladies who run off with people clearly inferior to you?"

"What?" I hear Claire say but I was to angry to explain to her what happened.

"You're telling my whole life with your words."

"We'll, time to show those princesses a thing or two. You're going, I'm coming as your plus one, and Claire is going finally win against Adora. We are going to make this a night no one will forget."

"Super Pal Trio is going to Prom!" Scorpia ran and hugged the both

Claire pops her head out of Scorpia's armpit, "Am I the only one very confused on what is happening?"

A/n hey guys I was going to update last week but I was really lazy. Hope you all are doing well. I am dedicating this book to my very best friend, Maren. She actually introduced me into She-ra and has stuck with me through the highs and lows. So just wanted to say that, I hope you all have had a great day.

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