The Battle of Bright Moon (final chapter of S1)

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I kept hearing rumbling. I tried and tried to fix the woods. But it wasn't working. Nothing was working.

After a while it started getting hot. I looked over and saw Bright Moon on fire.

"Ok, ok. Claire pull yourself together." I said to myself.

I heard for rumbling and I had a feeling I was going to have to deal with this later.

I ran through a secret passage Angella took me through.

"Hey guys sorry if I am late." I was out of breath from all the running. The whole princess alliance was there standing before me.

"Did you heal the Whispering Woods?" She-Ra asked.

"Not yet but I had a feeling you guys needed me."

We all stood in a line, ready to fight. Catra hopped into one of the tanks and started shooting at Bright Moon.

One of the columns started falling, when suddenly it froze. Frosta. Ice walls started coming from the ground.

Frosta jumps down. "I hope I'm not too late."

"No. You're right on time." She-Ra responds. She-Ra turns to me, "I am going to need your help."

I put my hand on the ground. "For Etheria!" We both shout. The rune stone turns bright and the forest is unfrozen.

"Yes." Glimmer teleports to us.

"Glimmer you sparkling again!" Bow shouts.

"Yeah. What did I miss?" Glimmer inquired.

"The princesses are united." Adora responds.

"This is how it's supposed to be." I was looking at the forest. It then hit me what I had just done. "OH MY GOD. Adora I just saved the forest."

"I guess your just like me now." Perfuma nudges me.

"What do you say? Ready to finish this?" Mermista asks.

"I thought you'd never ask." Perfuma chuckles.

"We're in." Netossa says.

"Let's do this already." We all start charging at the Horde.

I hear Sea Hawk scream battle cry.

Mermista uses her waves to drown Horde soldiers.

Perfuma and I use vines to crush some tanks.

Frosta freezes the rest.

Netossa puts a net around us when one of the tanks that was unfrozen blast at us.

Sea Hawk sets a ship on fire.

She-Ra blasts some more tanks while riding Swift Wind. She lands and we all put her hand on her. She lifts the sword up and a rainbow wave takes out the rest of the Horde.

We all start cheering. Adora and I were watching Catra ride away.

Bow and Glimmer come up to us, "Adora, it's over. Bright Moon is saved."

"And the princesses are finally united!" Glimmer adds. "We did it."

We were looking at them all talking and cheering.

Angella flys down and all the princesses bow to her.

Glimmer runs up and hugs her. Angella motions us to join the hug, which Bow happily accepts.

"Thank you."

As much as I wanted to be happy. I knew this wasn't the end.

A/n: that's a rap for season one. I hoped you all like it. I will start writing season two next week, and try to get it done as fast as possible. But I am lazy so it might take a month to do it. If you have any suggestions or anything you would like to see happen in the next few seasons please let me know. Also season two will be in the same book.

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