Promise (part 1)

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There was this secret door that opened. It had First One's writing on it.

We walked in and the room lit up.

"Hello?" Adora's voice echoed. She pulled out her sword. "I carry the sword of She-Ra, and I've come here for help. Is anyone there?"

"Greetings, administrator. What is your query?"

I jumped into Adora's arms. I could feel my face go red. "Sorry." I mumbled. She put me down. She turned away for a moment and then looked back at the hologram.

"Oh. I need your help to heal my friend. She's been cursed. I don't know how to save her. The legends say that She-are could heal people using this sword. How do I do that?"

The hologram went silent for a second. "What is your query?"

She was on my last nerves and I wanted to go home. "Welp, let's go home." I was already leaving the room.

Before I could leave I see Adora turn into She-Ra. "How about now?"

"Administrator detected. Welcome, She-Ra."

Theme Song

"One more time. What can you tell me about this sword." She-ra asked.

"Subject: the Swoed of Protection. Classification: portable Runestone keyed exclusives to administrator She-Ra, Princess of Power."

"How can I use this sword to heal my friend?"

"Query not recognized."

"Come in Adora. She is obviously broken let's go home. I have a bad feeling something is about to happen."

"Claire, stop wining. I have to heal Glimmer." I don't know why but I completely forgot about her. "Legends say the sword has healing powers. Is that true?"

"One of the Sword of Protection's many intended functions is to heal and restore balance." This hologram thingy was getting annoying.

"How do I do that?"

"Query not recognized."

Adora seemed to finally loose her cool.  "How can I used the sword to heal people?"

"One of the Sword of Protection's many intended functions is to heal and restore balance."

"Okay, is there someone else I can talk to?"

"Query not recognized."

Adora turned away for a moment. Then her eyes got really wide. "Let me talk to Light Hope."

"Light Hope." The hologram repeated.

"Adora who is Light Hope." I asked. But she brushed my question off and kept talking to the hologram.

"That's her name, isn't it? The woman I saw when I touched the sword for the first time. Where is she?"

"Yes, Light Hope is here. She has been waiting for you."

"Can I talk to her."

"You will meet her soon enough. First you must let go."

"What's that supposed to mean."

"You are not ready yet. You must let go."

"Adora I don't like what she is saying maybe we should go." The feeling was back. Something definitely bad was about to happen.

"No Claire. I have to figure out how to heal Glimmer." She turned away and looked back at the hologram. "Let go of what."

There was this noise. I turned around thinking it was a bug or something. But there she was, Catra. And Adora was about to kill her.

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