Moment if truth (part 3)

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Shadow Weaver was making a spell for us to go to the Horde to save Adora and Claire.

Mermista, Perfuma, and Frosta came up here. "What do you think you're doing?"Mermista said.

I stood in front of Shadow Weaver, "Don't try to stop us. This is the only way to save Adora and Claire."

"We're not trying to stop you. We wanna come with you." Perfuma said.

"Look, We could do the whole 'You can't come with us, it's too risky' thing." Mermista mocked.

"Or you could just accept that we're coming. Because we are."

"A larger group will be a disadvantage. I won't—" Shadow Weaver complained but Mermista cut her off.

"Uh-you will because we are calling the shots here. You're gonna have to make that thing bigger, weird scary lady."


"Quickly now." Shadow Wevaer instructed. We all stood in a circle and Shadowe Weaver started to perform a spell. She stuck her hand out, waiting for me to grab it. I hesitated my mom would kill me but I needed to save Claire and Adora. I grabbed her hand. I heard my mom scream something. I turned around and saw her flying towards us. Guilt flooded through my veins, but I had to do this. She would have to understand. And just like that we were gone.


We made it to the Horde. "I did it. We did it. Oh, that was amazing." I cheered.

"Hmm. Kind of figured Hordak's sanctum would be way scarier and not so empty." Bow said.

"Yeah, not, decorating is not their strongest suit." Mermista agreed.

"We aimed for Hordak's sanctum, but obviously we missed. We're not far. Stay behind me. And try to be quiet."Suddenly a door opens revealing some lizard guy. He dropped his food and we all stood there in shock. "We have to go." Shadow Weaver instructed, opening a door.

"I'll hold her off." Perfuma said.

The rest of us started running after Shadow Weaver. As we we were running a girl with brown hair and another lizard guy came charging at us. They stopped and quickly pulled an alarm.

"My turn." Mermista stepped forward, getting water out of the vents. "I didn't almost drown in these sewers for nothing." She threw water at then mmm which Frosta quickly freezed. Then some more Horde soldiers started coming. "We'll keep them busy. Go."

Bow, Shadow Weaver, and I turned right and started running. We quickly stopped when we heard Catra's voice. "Lonnie, why did you pull—? Shadow Weaver?" I grabbed onto Shadow Weavers hand and this energy started flowing through me. "Heh. I heard you were with the enemy, but are you actually holding hands with a princess right now?"

"There's no sense in trying to fight us. You don't stand a chance. Join us, or stand aside."

Catra pulled out a whip which only God knew where she got it from and flung it at us. Bow deflected it and started shooting arrows at Catra. She was able to avoid all of them and hit Bow with the whip. One of his arrows tied him together in green slime.

"Bow." I yelled. He was lying on the ground.

"Don't lose your focus." Shadow Weaver told me . Catra started coming towards me. "Concentrate." I closed my eyes and started teleporting us all over the hallway. Catra quickly picked up. The whip was tied around my wrist but Shadow Weaver pulled on it and sent read lightning through it. Shee yelled end fell to the ground. "Catra, there's no need for us to be enemies. I can help you. I can offer you a way out."

"So, what? You're on the side of good now?" You made me this way, and you get to be the good guy?" Catra went to go attack Shadow Weaver, but she used her magic to lift her off the ground. "Do you know what happened to me after you escaped? Do you even care? You couldn't wait to get away from here, from me." Tears were threatening to spill out of Catra's eyes. I almost felt bad for her. Almost. "But you came back for Adora. Not Claire or me. Just Adora." By this point I started to feel weak.

"I came back to stop Hordak. I will make sure he's destroyed. Don't make me destroy you, too."

"Oh, I'm going to make sure we win. We're going to open that portal and then there will be nothing left of you or the Princesses." Shadow Weaver closed her hand and I felt pain rush through my body. I fell to the ground but made sure my hand was still on Shadow Weaver's.

"Stop it. You're taking too much." Bow said.

I let go of her hand and fell back into Bow. I felt weak and everything hurt. Catra was about to attack us again when the goat lady came over and grabbed Catra, "No you can't fight them they're to strong." They quickly rushed out closing the door.



I came rushing to where Entrapta was. Scorpia was there too. She had a huge smile on her face but I didn't care. I shoved right past her. I lifted Entrapta up to where she was my level. "Why aren't you in Hordak's lab?"

"Uh, mm..."

"There's no time. We need to fire up the portal machine."

"We can't. Opening a portal right now will be disastrous. It's going to collapse and take us all with it. Adora was right."

"Adora is right." I started to laugh. "Adora gets everything she wants. She gets to live a great life with Claire and I'm stuck here with these idiots. But not this time. This time, I am going to win. I don't care what it takes. We are opening that portal now."

"No. I won't. I need to tell Hordak. He'll understand——"

I was so angry that I zapped her. I stood there a second. How could I do that. Why would I do that. "Get her out of here."

"What do you want me to do with her?"

"I don't care. Just get rid of her. Put her on the transport to Beast Island."

"Beast Island?" You can't" Scorpia said.

I pulled out the taser and aimed it at her, "You wanna be next?" She didn't answer and I turned it off.


I started running down to Hordak's lab. "The Princesses are here. There's no time, we need to open the portal."

"Where's Entrapta? I need her." Hordak replied.

I started to think of something to say. Then I got it. "Who do you think let the Princesses in?"

He gasped and then slammed his hand down. "But she—— She wouldn't."

I started to laugh. "Did you really think she was on our side? Oh, you can't trust anyone especially a Princes." I turned back to look at Adora. She was struggling to get out. I then glanced at Claire who looked dead inside. "They'll just use you to get what they want. Open the portal and let's end this." Hordak walked over to the lever. Claire seemed to snap out of her daze and start screaming.

Shadow Weaver, Glimmer, and Bow came in. "Forget about them. Pull the switch." I said. Shadow Weaver then blasted me and Hordak threw something at them which they were able to stop. Lighting was shooting everywhere and I took the opportunity to go walk up to the lever.

"Catra please." Claire pleaded. "Please don't do this." She left me. Why was I supposed to listen to her. I pulled the lever and everything started to float.

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