The portal (part 2)

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A/n: Heyyyyy. I apologize for updating so late but I have been very busy. I hope you like this chapter and we will be finished with season three very soon.

3rd person

Angella stood up from her seat, "Who are you? How do you know my daughter and the royal apprentice historian?"

"He's a historian here?" Adora and Claire said at the same time.

"I've always wanted to be a historian." Claire mumbled. She seemed to be in her own world. Like part of her wasn't aware of what was going on but the other part seemed to be fully attentive.

"We're best friends." Adora said.

"I've never seen you before." King Micah said.

"Well that's because your dead." Claire immediately put her hand over her mouth once she said that.

Everyone in the room gasped. A sword was put in front of my neck. "Are you threatening the king?" A guard asked.

"No! No, I love the king. Glimmer and Angella used to tell me stories about you and how heroic you were."

"I have not done such a thing!" Angella shouted. She lunged toward her husband and grabbed his soldiers.

"None of this is right." "Well duh nothing has been right for a while." "Well things are worse now and we have to fix them." "No, Adora's the hero you are the sidekick. She will fix this." Claire was having a battle with both her sides. It looked like she was going insane.

"Silence!" A guard commanded. Claire immediately stopped talking and started to bite her nails. She was curled up in a ball and was rocking herself like she was a baby.

Adora took a deep breath before speaking."Look non of this is right. Haven't you noticed that. What did you do yesterday? There's a reason you can't remember. This world is not real."

Angella grabbed her temple. She was furious with the ridiculous stuff she was being told. "I have heard quite enough." She turned around to walk back to her thrown.

Angella came to a stop when King Micah grabbed her hand. "Angella, it's all right." They looked at each other. The last time they would see their livers eyes for a long time. King Micah knew this but did not want to worry the love of his life.

"I need to talk to Bow and Glimmer." Adora began. "They're the strongest people I know. I need their help to stop reality from falling apart."

"Guards, escort these women to our holding cell." The guards looked at each other not knowing what the king was talking about.

"Don't you not have a holding cell." Claire said.

"The spare room."

The guards put their hands on Adora's and Claire's shoulders and started dragging them to the room. "Wait. You have to believe me." Adora pleaded.

"Don't listen to her. She's lying."

"But your truth spell..."

"I must have done it wrong."

But both of them knew that he did not do it wrong. They just weren't willing to believe them.


Adora and Claire were looking out the window. Claire was sitting on the floor while Adora was standing.

"Everything's going to work out." Claire finally said after the long uncomfortable silence.

"No it's not. How is everything going to work out. Because if that was true they would have believed us and we would be with Glimmer and Bow right now. But they had to forbid me from seeing her."

"When has Glimmer ever done what she was told." Claire responded. That seemed to calm Adora down because she didn't argue. She opened the folded up note that had SHE RA written in big letters on it. "I believe you can do this. You were chosen and I think you are the only person that is able to do this. Imagine how different life would be if Catra was chosen." Claire started to laugh but stopped when Glimmer and Bow appeared at the door. "Told ya."

"Bow. Glimmer." Adora started to walk towards them. "I knew you guys would—" She was cut off by Glimmer using her powers. "Do you remeber us at all?"

"Listen, crazy ladies. My dad has never messed up a spell. You were telling the truth in there. How can that be?"

"Of course you were listening in."

"Didn't I tell you. I should atleast get some credit. You doubted how much they would snoop."

"Claire knew you were listening in."

"Okay, will you both stop acting like you know us? We've never met you." Bow said.

"Yes, you have. Bow you saved our lives more times than I can count. You're a great fighter, a genius inventor, and you shouldn't worry about what your dads think. They're proud of you. Just like I am. And, Glimmer, you never give up and never admit defeat. I know making friends is hard for you, yet you're the one who pulled us all together. I've never met anyone like you."

"None of that is true. I'm just a princess. And Bow isn't a fighter. He's Bow."

"This— This isn't right? I mean, everything is perfect. Everyone keeps saying everything is perfect."

Glimmer stood there while flashbacks came into her mind. "My dad... He's gone, isn't he?"

Adora hesitated for a second before replying. "Yes." Bow went to go hug her. Then Adora. Then Claire completely jumped on them trying to wrap her hands all the way around.

There was a loud noise her from outside. "Uh... What's that?"

"It's starting to happen here, too. We don't have much time."

"So what do we do now?" Glimmer asked.

"We fix it reality, uh, somehow." Glimmer replied.

"Razz told me to go back to the beginning, but I don't know what that means."

"Okay, well, you said a portal did all this. Can you think of anyone who'd know how to make a—?" Bow what cut off by his own flashbacks. "Entrapta."

Adora's face lit up, "Of course. Entrapta. Glimmer can you teleport us to Dryl?

"What? I barely managed to teleport me and Bow in here."

"Maybe me and Glimmer can do it. I mean she can get us there and I could give her the power to do it." Claire said. She was finally focused and not just worried about what was to come.

"Ya we're going to do this the best friends squad way."

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