Promise (part 4)

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A/n hey so this chapter is going to have a lot of POV's. Also Wattpad deleted my entire chapter before I even got to publish it.


I had a plan to get to Catra. "Claire follow me I think I have a plan." I was already running off, expecting Claire to be following me.

"No."I stop in my tracks.

"What? Why?"

"Why should I save her." Something was up with Claire.

"Because she is our best friend."

"She hurt me. I am not going to help someone who hurt me."

Something clicked. We all knew something was up after the Fright Zone, but we just didn't want to hurt her. "What happened at the Fright Zone."

She looked at me. "How do you know something happened at the Fright Zone."

"Claire, everyone knows something happened at the Fright Zone."

She was quite. I needed her to hurry up and get it over with so we could help Catra. "I am going home." She then teleported away. She was on my last nerves but I couldn't deal with her now. I needed to go save Catra.



I teleported away. Avoiding the question in total. I was mad at Adora, for asking what happened. I was mad at Catra for telling me I was terrible and awful. And I was especially mad at myself. For being so vulnerable.

I realized after a few minutes I was teleporting everywhere. I finally stopped right next to Adora and Catra.

3rd person

Adora had just asked Catra to join the rebellion. But then another memory showed. They were in the Whispering Woods.

"Do you know what memory this is?" Catra asked.


"I do." Both Catra and Adora turned there heads to look at Claire. They were both about to speak when they notice a girl laying in the ground, Claire. Blood was everywhere. It looked like Claire had been shot right in the ribs. She was unconscious but was teleporting everywhere.

"This was the mission." Adora said.

"Yep." Claire replied.

Then a lady showed up, Angella. When Claire stopped teleporting Angella put her hand right where the wound was. That was when they all noticed that Claire looked exactly the same as she did now.

They were both about to say something again when Claire shushed them. "Just watch and then you can ask questions."

"Get her the sick bay." Angella shouted. She put her hand on the the girls face and it went back how it used to be. Then Claire went unconscious again. Some guards came and picked her up. And took her to sick bay. Then the memory ended.

"So you can teleport?" Catra asked.

"I thought you knew." Claire responded.

"Nope." Catra didn't seem to care much.

Adora decided to speak up, "You always knew you could teleport."

"No I just remembered it."


Before Claire could respond she teleported back home. She was laying down on her bed crying.

Light Hope then appeared out of no where. "Claire, I need you to let go."

"What? What are you doing in my room get out!" Claire yelled.

"Claire, I need you to let go."

"Let go of what? I just want to be alone!"

"Claire, your friends are just holding you back. You can do great things. They are just being selfish and holding you back you need to let go of them."

Claire was now on a cliff holding on for dear life. "No I have friends who love and trust me. How could they be holding me back."

"Catra doesn't want you. Adora, Bow, and Glimmer believe it's your fault Glimmer's hurt. And the rebellion thinks it is you fault that Entrapta's dead."

"Maybe it is all my fault. I have no one left don't I."

"Yes. But like I said they were just holding you back. You need to let go."

And so Claire did because she thought it was all her fault.

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