No Princess Left Behind (part 2)

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I walked into the war room. "Your majesty."

"I should've never let Claire and Glimmer leave this castle. And now, I'm faced with an impossible decision. As leader of the Rebellion, how can I surrender myself to our enemy? And yet, as a mother, how do I—?" She let out a sigh. "Look I know Claire is being a double agent but I don't think it is going to work. We both now Claire is a terrible liar especially when she is put under pressure. And besides she might let something slip on accident. Even though Hordak might be her father he will not hesitate to kill her if he finds out. I love Claire like a my own daughter. Glimmer and Claire are all I have left. I am going to accept Hordak's terms. As for Claire, I just hopes she knows what she is doing."

"You can't." I try to argue. "We have no guarantee the Horde will hold up their end of the bargain. We could end up losing you, too. As for Claire, she will be fine. I have seen her in worse situations then this." I only told her that to make her feel better. I really hope Claire does not do something stupid.

"A rescue attempt is too risky. If we had She-Ra we might have a chance, but without the Sword of Protection.."

"There had to be another way. We can't give up. I can rescue them. I know the Fright Zone. I'll find a way to get them all back."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I... I don't know yet. But I'll think of something, I promise. I'll bring them home." I bowed and walked out. I really needed to get them out. So many bad things could happen to them. And if another bad thing happened to Claire... I would never forgive myself.

I started sobbing. There was so much riding on this. If anything went wrong-. Flowers? And there they were. The princess alliance.

"What are you all doing here?"

"We're the Princess Alliance. And the Horde took one of our own." Mermista looked like she was about to murder someone.

"We're ready for our first mission." Perfuma was practically beaming.

"Let's go get out friend back."

A/n hey guys... again. So I really wanted this chapter to demonstrate the relationship between Angella and Claire. I have some more ideas of what is going to happen next but if you have any suggestions please let me know.

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