In the Shadows of Mystacor (part 2)

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Claire fainted right in front of her father. Hordak stared at the girl. There where many things going on in his mind. But not one of them were good. See, he had a feeling that Claire was still alive. He never doubted for a second she was dead. He assumed she went back to where he found her. Mostly because she was very powerful. So he started creating a weapon to find her. But when he saw her right in front of him, he was livid. More than usually and nobody thought that was possible. You would think he wouldn't recognize the girl, but he knew that this would happen. He was planning it since the day he found the girl. But his plans were thrown off course when Claire went missing. But he planned to fix that.

"Shadow Weaver!" He called. She entered the room and saw Claire passed out on the floor. "I want you to erase her memories. I want her to think she is 16 again. That she never went on that mission. I want you to make her think Adora went missing on that mission. When she wakes up tell her that she went in a comma for 2 years. Got it."

"Yes my lord." Shadow Weaver took her to a room. "Do this do that." She mocked. Shadow Weaver was not happy that she had to do this.

Catra then walked in. "Who is this?" She just assumed it was a prisoner that someone captured.

"Claire." Shadow Weaver responded.

"What." She muttered. She couldn't believe it. That couldn't be Claire. Claire was dead and Claire didn't look like that.

"It's Claire." Shadow Weaver said more harshly this time. "Look the plan is that she is not going to remember anything that has happened her since she was 16. You're going to tell her she was in a comma for two years. You're going to tell her that Adora went missing and is now a traitor."

Catra was just happy Claire was alive. She just wished that Adora knew she was. She might still hate Adora but Claire was her friend too. And she was never going to let Claire go again.

A/n hey I know this is a short chapter but it is kinda the chapter that is setting up what is going to happen

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