Promise (part 2)

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"Hey! Watch it." Catra yelled.

"Catra? What are you doing here?" Adora and I both yell.

"Unauthorized presence detected. Security protocol activated." The hologram disappeared and the place went red.

"Not again."

"What just happened?"

"I am assuming you did something Catra." I was really mad at her.

"Your not supposed to be in here." Adora grabs both of our hands and we start running.

I hear these screeches and red eyes pop up.

"What are those." Catra and I say in union.

"Also not good. Adora starts running and we follow her. All the doors close right as we were about to go in them, but thankfully Adora was able to open the door. "Come on! We need to run."

We get threw the door and all the power stuff starts to turn off. Then a spider starts charging at us. We were in trouble.

"What's going on? Why are those things trying to kill us?" I wanted to yell at Catra for asking such a dumb question.

"They're trying to kill you. This place sees you as an invader." I reply.

"Well, can't Adora tell them to stop?"

"No, I can't tell them to stop. Clearly, nothing in here is listening to me!" We  make a turn and are at a dead end.


"Stand back." Adora pulls out the sword and starts slicing the door. These rocks start falling on us.

"What are you doing?" Adora them pulls us together and puts a shield over us.

We all fall down. I had to just land right on top of Catra. I quickly got up and started brushing myself off.

"You shouldn't be here, Catra." I stated. "Those things aren't gonna stop until they get you, and since Adora and I are protecting you, they see us as a threat, too."

"Uh, good thing I didn't ask both of you to protect me."

"Wait, you know, what—"Adora stuttered. "Okay. Why are you here anyway? How did you find this place?"

"It sent up a beam of light a mile high. It wasn't hard."

"Does Shadow Weaver know your here?" Adora asked.

"I'd say Shadow Weaver's got bigger problems right now." Adora had this smirk on her face and I knew exactly what it was about. "Why are you looking at me like that? Wait. No. I know what this is about. Ugh, I knew you'd be weird about me letting you escape. I told you, it's not because I like you."

"I mean, I didn't— I didn't say anything."

"Anyway, what are you doing out here? Where are your new best friends? I thought you did everything together."

"Oh, my friends. You mean the ones you kidnapped and held for ransom? The ones you let Shadow Weaver imprison and curse?"

"Yeah, obviously. What other friends would I be talking about? Like I wouldn't ask where Claire is."

"Come on. Those things will be back any minute, we need to get out."

"Well, we don't need to go together. You do your weird little magic quest thing, I'll find my own way out." Catra went to go another way but there was only one way to go and that was forward. This was going to be a fun little field trip.

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