Reunion (part 1)

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"Bow's tracker pad and arrows are gone. He must have left after he shot that note through my window." Glimmer was dragging us along with her to find Bow. I don't think she fully hates me now. I think she just doesn't fully trust me, which I get. I mean I wouldn't believe me either if I said I couldn't talk.

"The note that says, 'I'm fine. Don't follow me?'" Adora replied.

"He's not fine. We have to follow him."

"Glimmer, I think he might just wants some alone time." I said.

"If he was fine, he would'v told us he was leaving. After finding out the signal is about Mara—"

"Wait what?" I asked.

"We tried to wake you up last night, but you were dead asleep. We found a signal that said something about Mara." Adora then turned to Glimmer. "Just calm down. So, where does Bow go when he's not at Bright Moon?"


"Seriously? How long have you been friends? I mean when Claire wasn't training or in bed I knew where she was, right Claire?"

"Yep. You always came up and we would talk for hours. Then Catra would come up ranting about how we ditched her." We both laughed at the memory.

"Look, Bow really values his privacy. He's never talked about his past or where he came from. Never. And you both know how talkative and open Bow is. Something's wrong. What if he's in trouble."


"How definitely came this way, judging from the broken twigs, the sap and his distinct footprints." I was looking around the forest. You know, I never noticed it before but Glimmer was right. Bow had never talked about his past. Never brought it up. I guess I just hadn't noticed because I had no memory of my past.

Glimmer gasped, "There's no way Bow would ever leave his trick arrows behind. I told you, he's in trouble."

"What is that place?" I asked pointing to the building in front of us.

We all looked at each other, and Glimmer teleported us into the building. "We have to find Bow, and get him out of this, uh.... Library?" The place was completely emptied.

We all started looking around. "Have you ever heard of a library in the Whispering Woods?" Adora asked.

The door opened and Adora pulled out her sword. Bow walked through with a whole stack of books.

"Bow, I'm so glad we found you." Glimmer said excitedly.

"We're here to break you out or fight your kidnappers. We're not exactly sure what we're—— Uh..." Bow kept shushing Adora.

Glimmer then gasps, "What have they done to you?" I looked at him and noticed his clothes were different.

"We got your arrows. Who are we fighting?" I could tell Bow did not want us to be here. He kept waving his hands and motioning is to shut up.

"No one. You shouldn't be here. You need to leave now, before——" Bow was interrupted with someone walking in.

"Who's there? Who are these people." Two guys walked in the room.

"Play along. This is Adora, Claire, and Glimmer, my friends from the academy. Adora, Claire, Glimmer, meet my dads."

"Adora, Glimmer, Claire." One dad greeted.

"Oh, we're so happy to finally meet Bow's school friends." They both ran over and pulled us into a group hug.

A/n: hey guys I will try to finish this episode tomorrow. Sorry I have been on vacation. This is the last episode so every body get ready.

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