The Portal (part 4)

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"Mom?" Claire said. I looked back and saw multiple emotions in her face. Her brown hair side seemed happy to see her but her blue haired side was flooded with rage like she wanted to punch her.

Mara stepped forward. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the purple lighting surrounding her. I stepped back as tree's and rocks started to float up. "Stay here. Entrapta said the portal is centered on me. You're at risk as long as we're together. If I draw it away—."

I felt twin hand grab one of mine. I looked up and saw Claire looking at me. "I am not leaving you. I have left you to many times and I refuse to do it again."

"Adora we know you too well. You're stubborn and headstrong."

"And you're our best friend."

I looked at my friends. Tears started to stream down my cheeks as Bow and Glimmer vanished. "Wait. No. No."

"You and Claire got this. We believe in you."

I fell to the ground and watched as they vanished into thin air. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned to face them and saw as Claire was looking down at me. Tears falling into my hair and in that moment we both knew that this needed to end. Right now.

I looked up again to see Catra pointing at my forehead. Her face was cut in half and her voice was distorted. "Hey, Claire. Hey, Adora." She then threw her hand at me and I fell back. Claire and I were back in the crimson waste except it was completely empty.


"Oh... where are your other friends." Catra said again as she sliced my face.

"Catra stop." Claire tried to pull her off me.

"It's always the same with both of you. 'I have to do this.' Oh, 'we have to go that.' Let's be honest all of this is your fault, Adora." She threw me to the ground. "If you and Claire hadn't gotten captured, your sword wouldn't have opened the portal." We we're now on top of a bride. Underneath it was a massive hole. She kicked me in the back of my knees and I fell to the floor. At this point I didn't fully know where Claire had gone. She threw some purple stuff at me and then he'll me over the hole. "If you hadn't gotten the sword and been the world's worst She-Ra, non of this would've happened." She finally pushed me over the pole and I went flying into the hole.


When I landed Claire was with me again. We were in the water before Catra grabbed the both of us. "Admit it, Adora, the world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place. She shoved us both back under water just to be in a different place again.


I looked and saw Claire had disappeared again. "You made me this." I kept running into completely different places but Catra kept finding me. "You took everything from me. You broke the world and it is all your fault."

I sat there for a couple of seconds before I saw Claire again. She looked me in the eyes and mumbled, "Adora you have to defeat her. You are better than what everyone thought you would be. I need you to realize that this is not your fault. This is what was put on you but it is your responsibility to fix it. And I and everyone else at home believe in you."

That somehow snapped me out of it. "No, it's not. I didn't make you pull the switch. I didn't make you do anything." I punched Catra in the gut which made her fall to the ground. "I didn't break the world, but I am going to fix it. And you? You made your choice. Now live with it." She started to come at me again but this time I punched her square in the face. I knocked her out. She was laying on the floor when the ground started to crumble again.

I was falling but I didn't know where I would end. I turned to my side and saw Catra and Claire falling too. Catra had disinterested and for some reason I didn't feel any guilt. Claire and I made eye contact once we realized that we were starting to fade.

Until we both heard Queen Angella shouting our names. She grabbed both of us and flew us out of the barrier.

"I remeber, Adora. I know this isn't our own. How do we fix this?" I looked at her and then looked back to where the sword was.

"Go back to the beginning. Razz meant my beginning. To the place that I came through as a baby. I can fix everything. I just need to go into the portal and pull out the sword. That'll turn it off and everyone will come back safe and sound."

"No, nope, no. None of you are going to go and shut it off. You heard what Entrapta told us." Claire said. "Look this was what I was made to do. This was my destiny. To protect She-Ra. You both have people that need you and love. I have no one else. I will do it."

"No, I love you as you are my own. The world needs you, Claire."

"No they don't! I cause harm and damage and problems. Nobody needs me. Please just let me do something good. This is the only way to fix things. Look Glimmer needs you she doesn't need me."

Angella pulled Claire into a hug. "Do you want to know a secret. I am a coward."

"What? No."

"I've always been the queen who stays behind. Micah was the brave one. And then Glimmer. Oh Glimmer." Angella smiled to herself for a second. "So much like her father. And once again I stayed behind, letting her make the hard choices, letting her be brave for me. I told myself I was being responsible but, Claire, I was just scared. And then I met you and Adora." She looked back at me. "Both of you inspired us. You inspired me. Not because it was both of your destiny's, but because you never let fear stop you. And now I chose to be brave."

She kissed Claire's forehead but ther was something in Claire's eyes. "No, you will not do this. My destiny has been made when I stop this the world will be right again and they won't need She-Ra. This is what I was made to do."

"As you wish." Angella replied but there was that same look that Claire had like she wasn't going to let her do it.

Claire turned to me and ran up and hugged me. "I love you so much Adora. Don't do anything stupid like usual. Enjoy the rest of your life. Live it for me because once I do this it will all be over. Take care of evryone for me. Will you?" I looked at her and words couldn't even come out of my mouth. I gave her a nod. One of the things we used to do before all of this. Angella lifted her up and flew her to the sword.

Everything became to bright to see. And the only thing I fully regretted was that this story wasn't over. That Claire died thinking it was. And that she would never become a historian like she wanted but she would also never rule the Horde's army. How I wished I had said more to her before she went. At least it wasn't the last time I saw her.

A/n: AHHHHHH IT IS FINALLY DONE(for now). This book will be going into major editing. Like MAJOR EDITING. And then after that you might (def will) see Claire return for a final round. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did. But for now until Claire returns BYEEEEEEE!

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