The Sea Gate (part 4)

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We finally arrive after hours of being on that boat. We exit the boat and I don't see a single sol in sight.

"Where is everyone?" Bow asks.

"Hmm. Very odd indeed. If I know the Princess Mermista, and I do, something's amiss." As Sea Hawk finishes his sentence we here someone shout.

"Halt! Halt! Halt, I say." The guy comes running down. When he gets down he seems to be out of breath. "Halt."

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just need to catch my breath." He mumbled. "What's your business in Salineas?"

"We've come to speak with Princess Mermista." Glimmer replies.

"Tell her Sea Hawk is with them. She'll be excited to see me." Sea Hawk chimes in.

"Ew, who let him back in here?" Princess Mermista groans.

"Believe me, we don't like him either." I reply.

"Princess." Sea Hawk kneels dramatically. "Oh, it's been too long. I've dreamed of you night and day since we parted."

"Uh-huh." Princess Mermista hums, not being impressed. And who are you?" She points at us.

"My name is Glimmer of Bright Moon. We've never met, but our parents fought in the Rebellion together." Glimmer introduces herself.

"Oh, yeah." Princess Mermista groaned a little. She seemed to hate us already. "I remember hearing about the old Princess Alliance. My dad said it was a total disaster."

Glimmer, Bow, and Adora put there head down. "It was." I blurt out. Everyone looks at me. If looks could kill I would be dead the second Glimmer looked at me. "Look I wasn't around when the Princess Alliance formed but from I heard it sucked. So we are going to try again. I mean we always need a ruff draft before the finished product."

Everyone is now looking at me like I was crazy. Except Mermista who seems to be a little bit intrigued. "I like her." She points at me. And I have a smug smile on my face.

"I don't think it was possible, but your beauty grows greater with each passing day." Sea Hawk was getting more dramatic by the second.

"Will you quit it? I'm trying to talk to my new friend Twinkle and what's your name." She points at me.

"Claire." I reply.

"And Claire. Butler, bring us some hors d'oeuvres." Mermista looking as annoyed as me with Sea Hawk.

"Ooh, hors d'oeuvres!" Sea Hawk squeals.

"For everyone but Sea Hawk." She adds quickly.

"Your guard is also your butler?" Bow asks.

"I'm a little understaffed right now. Everybody fled because the gate is falling apart or whatever." Mermista says, like it is no big deal.

"What?" We all shout.

"Yeah, I know, right? It figures I'd inherit a kingdom that's crumbling, but it's totally fine. I'm handling it. It's just kind of inconvenient, because the Horde won't stop attacking us." I felt a little guilty because I was part of the Horde.

"Why is the gate falling apart?" Glimmer asks.

"I mean, who knows? But it's getting weaker every day. And if the Horde tries to attack us again we're pretty much dead." Mermista voice seeming to get more sad and sad.

"The Horde is the reason we're here. We want to rebuild the Princess Alliance. None of us stand a chance in our own, but we might be able to stop them together." Glimmer pleaded. She really wanted to get Mermista on our side.

"Sure, because that went so great the first time." She chuckled. "Why should I help Bright Moon? It's not like they've ever done anything to help us."

"Mermista, if I may." Sea Hawk was preparing himself to sing.

"No. No more shanties." Mermista groaned. "Why did you bring him here? He is so annoying!"

"We needed a sea captain to come here. And he said that you liked him." I stared daggers into him.

"We have a rich, complicated past." He replied.

"If by that you mean you got us kicked out of the Dolphin Social for challenging the doorman to a duel, then sure." She replied.

Sea Hawk leaped onto her lap, "I don't recall doing that."

She continued seeming to get more and more annoyed by the second. "And that time you set our gondola on fire in the Tunnel of Love." She threw him off her lap and onto the ground.

Sea Hawk chuckled a little bit. Just face turning re by the second. "That I do recall."

"This is First One's writing." Adora said.

"And who is she again? What is she doing?"

"That's Adora. She has a magic sword." Bow replied.

Me and Glimmer ran over to her.

"What does it say." Glimmer asked.

"It's something about the gate." Adora placed her hand on the writing.

"The First Ones must've built it. Looks like the gate gets its power from the Salinean Runestone." I finished.

"It could be that the gate is failing because it's losing its connection to the power source." Adora concluded. She gave me a look that she wanted to talk to me later. I nodded in response. I am either going to get yelled at or be questioned. None of those I want to do.

"You think you can fix it?" Glimmer asked.

"I can try." Adora responded.

Glimmer than turned to Mermista, "Look, Mermista. You need our help and we need yours. If Adora can repair your gate, will you consider joining us? Please?"

Mermista groaned, "I don't know. I guess. But he has to leave."

"But where am I supposed to go?" I could tell she hurt his feelings.

Bow scratched his neck, "maybe wait with the boat, okay, buddy? We'll take care of the gate."

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