Once Upon a Time in the Waste (part 2)

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I could now see the resemblance. She looked like a little me. The only thing that was different was the charm that was on my head.

"If anything does happen, Claire will be able to have power over light, snow, water, plant-life, and one more thing but I can't really remember exactly what it is. She will be able to help you even if that means sacrificing herself. I really hope she understands that it's—" the hologram cut out.

It was silent for a moment. Nobody dared to move or say anything. My ears were ringing and I was on the verge of tears. I heard somebody say something but I couldn't fully process it. I just wanted for the ground to swallow me whole.

I heard grunting and people talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I felt my kneels buckle and I fell to the floor. Tears started to fall to the ground. I finally snapped out of it when someone grabbed me. I looked up to see it was the goat lady. Adora was being held by Scorpia.

"This might be the quickest I've ever won a fight. Always so dramatic with you, isn't it, Adora? Why can't you be like Claire and not struggle?"

Huntara stood up. She looked like she was in a lot of pain. "Huntara! Get them out!" She picked up Glimmer and Bow and ran out.

"Stop her." Catra commanded.

I looked at Adora. She had this look in her eyes that was telling me she was sorry. But I didn't believe her. I think she was just sorry that I found out not that I was a pig raised to be slaughtered. And then Scorpia stung her.


Adora was struggling against the ropes while I just sat there not caring if I was killed in that moment.

"Catra, you can't do this."

"Well, hello to you, too." She turned to look at me. Pity written all over her face. "Hey Claire." She nodded towards the guard who walked out of the room. "What can't I do this time?"

"Hordak is trying to open a portal. He wants to bring the rest of the Horde army through to Etheria.  We can't let that happen."

"The rest of the Horde army?"

"Hordak is part of a gigantic evil army from another world—"

Catra started laughing, "Never a dull moment with you. Why would I be against more Horde? That means we win and you lose.

"We'll all lose if Hordak uses his portal machine. Light Hope and Mara both said that opening a portal will endanger everyone."

"You'll listen to anything weird old holograms tell you, won't you? You should really try to get over that. Like Claire is definitely not Mara's daughter."

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"What?" She turned to me.

"I said shut up." I looked right at her. "Everything that weird old hologram told me explains everything. How could I be so stupid my whole life. How could you be so stupid. You're gonna kill everyone. I don't care if I die at this point. That's what my purpose is but Catra don't be stupid enough to kill yourself."

I finally hit a nerve. Ever since the Horde took away my memory I don't think I was ever able to get in Catra's head. But what's ironic about this moment is that she thinks she's captured me.

She turned back to Adora, calming herself a bit. "How do you even know about what Hordak's doing?"

"Shadow Weaver told me. We know all about Hordak's plan." I said.

"Shadow Weaver told you? How exactly did Shadow Weaver tell you this?"

"You didn't know?" I said.

She walked over to me and grabbed my chin so I was looking directly at her. "How?"

"Shadow Weaver's in Bright Moon." She looked into my eyes to find some sort of lie. She then let go of me and walked over to Adora.

"Shadow Weaver left me for you. All of this happened because of you." She was talking directly to Adora now.

"Catra, please, you have to listen." She walked out of the room.

"We need to get out of here now before Catra kills us all." I said.

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