The Sword Part 1 (part 8)

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A/n hey guys sorry I haven't posted in the last couple of days. I have been busy.


I am in this other room. There is this light that comes down.

"What?" I wondered.

"Hello, Adora." This female voice says.

"Who are you? What's going on?" I ask.

"My name is Light Hope. I have been waiting a long time for you, but I could not reach you until you forged your connection with the sword." The girl said. She was different shades of purple. She had this dress on with a purple capes with words written on it.

"You sent me the sword?" I pondered.

"The sword is meant for you." The same sword I saw shows up. I reach out to grab it but it turns out it was a hologram. "Etheria has need of you, Adora. Will you answer it's call? Will you fight for the honor of Grayskull?" She said creepily

"What are you talking about? What is— What's Grayskull? I ask. "You're not making any sense! I don't understand!"

"You will." She says before disappearing into the light thing.

I wake up groaning. I see the two people I was fighting with earlier.

The boy screams, "Hey! She's awake."

"What happened." I ask.

"Quiet, Horde spy, I ask the questions." Sparkles demanded. She was holding the sword and stood up before continuing. "How did you make it this far into the Whispering Woods!"

"I just walked in." They are acting like it is hard to get in. "And I'm not a spy."

"Sure, sure." She said with sarcasm in her voice. "You just happened to find yourself in the Whispering Woods, like you just so happened to try and steal our sword."

"It's not yours. I found it first." I know I was sounding like a baby but I did find it first.

"The Whispering Woods is under the Rebellions protection. You were lucky to make it as far as you did. Come on, Bow." I assume she was talking to the boy. "Let's get this spy back to Bright Moon where she can be interrogated properly." She walked off taking Bow with her. They started talking about something but I wasn't listening. "Now come on, on your feet." I hear her scream at me.

"You positive we're going the right way, Glimmer?" Bow asked sparkles.

"I know what I'm doing, Bow. Can you please just trust me for once?" She begged. I felt bad for Bow for a split second. He had to deal with sparkles over hear.

"You know I always trust you," he wined. "But I am starting to get a little freaked out. I mean, I pretty much grew up in these woods,  and I've never even seen this part of them. I've heard stories about stuff out here."

"It's fine, okay? Just let me figure this out." Sparkles then teleported.

"Okay! Touchy." Bow said "Sorry about her. Usually she's really nice." When I didn't respond he continued. "Not much for talking, huh?"

"I prefer not to swap pleasantries with my captors." I stated.

"There. Suit yourself." He honestly seemed like a nice guy but like I said I prefer not to swap pleasantries with my captors.

Sparkles was teleporting herself everywhere.

"You know she's a princess, right? How can you follow her?" I asked. Like she is an awful princess. "Princesses are a dangerous threat to everyone on Etheria."

"Is that what Hordak told you?" He asked, concerned.

"I thought it was just common knowledge. They're violent instigators who don't even know how to control their powers." I hear sparkles scream and run off again.

"You've never actually met a princess, have you?" He asked.

"Well, maybe not in person, but..." I trailed off. I heard sparkles whimpering and Bow led me over to her. There was this place the was completely destroyed. You could see Bow was angry based on his facial expression. Sparkles picked up this peace of artwork and stared at it.

"What happened to this place?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me." She fumed. "I bet you were part of the raiding party that did this. If Claire saw this she would be devastated."

Who was Claire I thought. I brushed the thought off  trying to defend the Horde. "What are you talking about? The Horde didn't do this." Glimmer lead me over to this bot. It had a Horde symbol in it.

She pointed at it, "Oh, ya? You're a heartless destroyer, just like all the rest of your people."

"I am not a destroyer." I tried to defend myself. I honestly didn't know they did this. I didn't believe they did this. "Hordak says we're doing what's best for Etheria. We're trying to make thing better. More orderly."

"This is what's best for Etheria?" She pointed to the destroyed place. "Ever since the Horde got here, they've been poisoning our land, burning our cities, destroying in their path. And you're part of it! How's that for orderly?"

I didn't know they did this. Has the Horde been lying to be my entire life. "This doesn't make any sense." I wondered. "The Horde would never do something like this."

"Did you really not know any of this!" Bow asked. "I mean, your army is called the Evil Horde."

"Who calls us that?" I screamed already knowing the answer.

"Everybody!" Bow screamed at me.

"The Horde rescued me when I was a baby and gave me a home. They're my family. You— you don't know them like I do." I defended the Horde again.

"Maybe you don't know them like you think you do." Bow stated. He had a point I just didn't want to believe him.

All of the sudden I hear sparkles start screaming."There's something out there. Something big." She said nervously.

"How big." Bow screamed. The ground started rumbling and a big monster appeared. "So, pretty big then." Bow said answering his own question.

The monster started screeching and coming towards us.

"Watch out!" Bow yells right before the monster steps on Glimmer.

Glimmer teleports away and on to a branch. She jumps onto of the monster and it screeches again. She teleports off of it. The monster is about to step on is again we all start moving back. My foot gets trapped in this hole. Bow jumps in front of me and shoots an arrow at it. Green stuff comes out of the arrow right after it hits the monster. Glimmer starts yelling and starts to blast it with a glitter balls. The monster hits her and she flys right into the tree. Bow shoot another arrow out it. It catches the monster and Bow starts trying to pull it back. I get my foot out and notice the sword. The monster flings bow right into the tree. I pick up the sword. I hear Glimmer blasting the monster with fire balls. I look back at the sword and notice electricity start moving around it.

"Hey, bug brain!" I scream trying to get its attention. "Come on, Magic sword." I tried to hype it up. "Oh, where's a blinding flash of light when you need one?"

The monster starts charging towards me. I drop the sword and go and pick it up. I hold it up sort of like a shield and a blinding flash of light comes.

"Adora." Light Hope says. "Adora." She repeats. "Adora." She says for the third time. "Will you fight for the honor of Grayskull?" I can hear that line echoing over and over.

"For the honor of Grayskull!" I scream. I then transform into this eight foot tall lady with this cute outfit.

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