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A/n: Hey guys. So fun fact I don't remember this episode whatsoever. That is why this will be an off the story chapter. So this one will probably be very short.


Why couldn't I say anything. I hate myself. Now Glimmer's mad at me and I bet Bow is too.

Adora. Ohhh she's going to hate me. No she'll understand me right. She'll get my side of the story.

I decided I was going to go on a walk, but before I left I decided to pass by Glimmer's room. I knocked on the door.


"Fine be that way!" I yelled at the door.

I went through the secret passaged Angella showed me.

I thought about the last few months. The things I went through. I got my memory back. Adora left the Horde. I got teleportation powers. Glimmer started to hate me. Then I got brain washed again. Then I got my memory back and had to pretend I was still brainwashed. Then Catra hated me when I revealed I wasn't actually brainwashed. Then Entrapta died. Then Glimmer didn't hate me anymore but something was wrong with her powers. Then we had to battle the Horde. Then I got Perfuma's powers. I still can't control them. Then we captured Catra but didn't really. And then we found out Entrapta was alive.(I think I got everything but not for sure)

Catra of course was one of the problems to most of what happened. But I didn't know if a hated her or loved her.  Sometimes I wanted to slam her into a tree, but then I wanted to kiss her.

"Mara deary, what are you doing here?" I look down and saw an old women below me.

I assumed that was her granddaughter, "Sorry I am not Mara. I could help you look for your granddaughter though."

"Mara, I am not your grandmother." She then laughed and mocked me a little. "Come along time to bake the pie you promised to bake."

"Pie? Sorry Ma'am I am not Mara."

"Now, now, now, stop being silly come on." She pulled my hand and she led me to her house. "Will you grab the flour for Madame Razz."

Madame Razz. Adora's Madame Razz. "Um. Do you know an Adora."

"Yes, yes. I know Adora. But we are here to talk about you."

"What about me?" I asked.

"You know you are more important than you think think you are."


"Mara, I said to pass me the flour."

I gave her the flour. For a little while she seemed to be going through a trance. She kept mumbling words that I couldn't make out.

She put the pie in the oven.

"Now, Mara how are you."

"Not so we'll actually. A lot has happened. Also why do you keep calling me Mara."

"We'll because you are Mara deary. You must be ill the pie will make you feel all better." Right about that moment the alarm went off for the pie. "The pie is done." She got out the pie and it smelled delicious. She handed me the pie.

"Thank you, Madame Razz, but I have to go."

"Before you leave just remember that you are going to save us all." I didn't know what that meant but she was an old lady. Also Adora did mention she is a little crazy. "Come visit." She waved.

I went back home and had a slice of the pie. Madame Razz might be crazy but she makes some good pie.

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