Background Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: This is my first book being written. These might be more short chapters since I don't know the ideal length yet. Please give me feedback on suggestions for upcoming chapters. This is a story about some of the struggles Jonathan Kent would most likely face. This is a superman and Lois story. It is a roughly new show so my adaptation might not be as detailed. I hope to write a lot this summer and finish the book roughly at the end of summer. I really hope you guys enjoy it! :) 


Jonathan Kent POV

Okay, so you're probably wondering who the hell I am. Well my name is Jonathan Kent, son to Clark and Lois Kent, and brother to Jordan Kent. My family and I are in Smallville for my grandma's funeral and so far it's absolute sh*t.

But.. Before we go into that let's start from the beginning. My brother and I have always been close despite being complete opposites. I like things like sports, and being social has never really been that challenging for me. Jordan hasn't had it so lucky, when we were younger he used to have these weird anxiety attacks where he'd be crying and screaming and they would happen all of a sudden. He also had trouble making friends. As he got older he developed self esteem problems, and anxiety.


"Hey do you want to play with us" a group of kids around their age came up to the twins at the bench they were sitting at. The twins were 10 at the time.

"Sure" Jonathan replied.

"You guys go ahead I'm kind of tired" Jordan responded. Jonathan looked at him with concern but when Jordan nodded at him with a smile on his face he reluctantly followed the group of boys. But not before stopping and saying this to his younger brother.

"Are you sure, because I can stay with you." He said softly.

"No, go. I'm okay plus I'll just watch from here" Jordan responded with a smile.

"Okay. But you know you can tell me anything right? It doesn't matter what it is, you can always count on me." Jonathan assured. Jordan just nodded and looked at his brother with a thankful look.

Jordans POV:

When the group of boys asked me and Jon if we wanted to play with them, my heart was thumping so fast I thought I might go into a panic attack right there. Luckily, Jon didn't take too long to respond so the attention was mostly on him. After he responded I pretty much came up with a lie so that I didn't have to be around so many new people. I've always struggled with meeting new people. There's just so many ways I can screw up when I'm talking to people. My head is always filled with things that tell me I dressed weird, or my hair looks stupid, or that I might fall on my face and make a fool out of myself, and things like that. I really wished I could be like Jon. He does everything so perfectly and makes it look so simple.

Jordan sighed at the bench and just let all his thoughts consume him.

**** End of flashback ****

Jonathan's POV

I've always been really protective of Jordan because I was always worried that somebody would take advantage of him. I hate seeing my family hurt and vulnerable. I tease Jordan a lot because I know he hates feeling like an outcast. My parents are too protective sometimes so all they see is his mental illness. But despite the teasing I love him so much and I have no idea what I would do without my brother by my side.

A year ago, Jordan was diagnosed with social anxiety. When he got diagnosed I was relieved but also extremely scared. I was relieved because knowing what was going on with him meant we knew how to help him. At the same time it meant that it was real and that no matter what, he would struggle with it his whole life.

Jordan's anxiety was so bad that he had to take Benzodiazepine which is basically a drug that helps him calm down. When he first started taking it he was so different and he was easily irritated and he had these mood swings, or he would sometimes just be in his room on his bed looking at the ceiling.

I was so worried but I tried my best to help him and my parents. During school I would hangout with him and always keep an eye out, making sure he took his meds, that he ate, that he stayed hydrated, etc. After work my parents would go to Jordan's room and try to spend the evening with him and just try to be there for him the best way they could.

So, I would try and cook and make dinner for them so they could focus on Jordan. I would go early to school to football practice and instead of staying on campus I would go back home and walk with Jordan to school. During school I would hangout with him as much as I could and then try to do as much work as I could during my free periods. After School I would say goodbye to Jordan, and go to practice until around 6:30. 

When I got home I would start cooking dinner and try to finish my work. When my parents got home I would say Hi, then excuse myself to go talk with my Girlfriend for a few minutes. Her name is Eliza and she has been really great at trying to keep me calm with everything that's been going on. But, she always says I need to spend more time with her so I try to talk with her for an hour a day. So to say the least I was basically running off of fumes by the second week. I wasn't doing the best but I had to continue and try to be there for my family. Most nights I would only get about 4 or 5 hours of sleep.

After about 5 months he got a lot better though. He was less irritated, and would actually come down without anybody asking him too, he would eat and take his meds willingly, and everything since then has been pretty smooth for the most part with him. I was so proud of him, I knew how much his medication and everything in general was taking a huge toll on him but he was pushing through it. When Jordan felt a little better he would not stop apologizing and thanking me and our parents. We told him it didn't matter and we were just proud of him for doing so well. 


I hope you guys liked it! Please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas :)

Please be nice this is my first book I've ever written.

I will also be including Clark, and Lois more the next chapter, but I wanted to focus on how Jonathan's mental health also could have been affected.

I will try to update again tomorrow! Byeee ;)

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