The Morning After - Chapter 10

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Clark's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining bright through the windows. I checked the time on an alarm clock that was on Jonathan's bedside table. It said it was 9 o'clock.

It was a rough night to say the least. After we went to bed after Jon getting sick and Jordan's nightmare, I had to wake Jon up a few more times throughout the night so he wouldn't get sick again.

He looked tired and I wanted to let him sleep so I slowly made my way out of his bed and downstairs. In the kitchen I saw Lois making coffee and getting food out of the fridge to make breakfast.

"Good morning," I said to her, kissing her.

"Good morning," She said, smiling back at me.

"How was Jordan last night when he woke up again?" I asked

"He was doing okay. It took him a while to get back to sleep again though." she said.

"What about Jonathan? Did he get sick throughout the night?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I handled it. He looked tired so I wanted to let him sleep more." she nodded.

"Do you need help with breakfast? I can start making pancakes if you want?" I asked to take a sip of my coffee.

"Yes, that would be great," she said, passing me a mixing bowl and the ingredients.


Jonathan's POV

I woke up to sun in my eyes. I groaned and got up. I was really tired from last night.

I checked the time and it was 9:30 so I went into the bathroom and got a new change of clothes.

When I went into the bathroom I undid the wrapping on my ribs to see that the bruises looked so much better. I thought it was a little weird that they looked like they healed so much in one night, but I didn't really care.

The important thing was that the pain in my ribs is much more manageable. I'm still coughing up blood but it doesn't hurt so I'm not mad. After I got dressed I went into Jordan's room to wake him up.

I could hear mom and dad making breakfast and I was hungry so I rushed into his room. Not caring to knock, I walked in and started to shake Jordan.

"Bro wake up" I said while he just covered his face with the blankets.

"No, go away!" I think he said I couldn't tell since it was muffled.

"Please" I started to whine.

"Fine, get out so I can change." I left his room and went to mine and got my phone.

I sat on my bed and started texting Eliza. I've been trying to text her but she's been ignoring me? I'm not really sure I probably did something wrong.

I've been meaning to call her but so much has been going on I didn't have time. I missed her a lot and I miss being able to talk to her. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Jordan coming into my room.

"You okay Jon?" He said concern lacing his words.

Ugh, concern that's how everybody has been talking to me lately, well that and pity. Well enough is enough I'm not going to worry anymore people. I'm just going to pull my own weight, lately I've been screwing everything up. Like yesterday when I cried not once but twice in front of my dad. God, I was so stupid. So, I just smiled and slapped a classic smirk on my face.

"Of course little bro, how are your eyes after you shoot lasers out of them?" He just blushed and hit my shoulder.

"Shut up" I decided to continue to mess with him.

"Oh, do you want to talk about the kiss yesterday?" He just blushed even harder and he pushed me. We continued to bicker as we went down the stairs.


Lois's POV

Clark had just offered to make the pancakes so we were talking about the boys as were making food.

"What does this mean for Jordan and his powers? I mean how long do you think it will take for him to be able to control his powers? Metropolis is not exactly the best place for him to lose control." I worried about what comes next.

"I don't know. His powers are manifesting differently than mine did. I showed signs, Before this I don't think Jordan has." I just nodded, I hadn't noticed any signs either.

"Going back to Metropolis not being a good place for Jordan and his powers, what would you think about maybe staying here a bit longer?" He asked.

In all honesty I wasn't against the Idea, I mean Clark had just gotten fired from his job, and I found out that Morgan Edge wanted to do business in Smallville and I know in my gut that something big is happening here.

"I'm not against the idea." He looked at me shocked. I stopped before I continued.

"I know your mom wanted us to stay and she wanted you to be able to spend more time with the boys. You can't do that from Metropolis, and I know that something about this Morgan Edge deal is wrong. Clark looked at me like he was processing everything.

"So... Moving to Smallville is an option?" He asked.

"I actually think it's one of the best ones we have right now, but let's wait and get the boy's opinion. I think we can go over everything after breakfast." Clark nodded. A few seconds later I heard the boys bickering while coming down the stairs.


Hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry I didn't upload sooner. I hope to write again probably tonight. 

Let me now if you guys like it! Please comment, vote, and I would love to hear feedback  :) 

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