The Final Fight - Chapter 43

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Jonathan's POV

"Are you ready Jon?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, but- just don't cut it too short."

"Ok, don't worry I got it." My dad reassured me. After the whole breakfast incident this morning we decided to get it over with and cut my hair. We decided to cut it about two inches shorter than what it is now.

So this is how I'm spending my Saturday night. We spent most of the day watching Netflix in my parents room until around lunch time. Mom, Jordan and Liam decided to start making food while dad cut my hair.

"Try to stay still, kid."

"I'm trying but I don't like sitting in one place for too long."

"Do you want to stand up for a little while?" He asked.

"No, it's fine, just continue." I mumbled before sitting still. Eventually after like an hour he finishes.

"Okay how do you like it?" My hair is much shorter at the top. I gently run my fingers through my hair and I can't really wrap my fingers around it anymore. The sides are a little shorter too.

"My head looks weird, and why did you take so long."

"Well first, your head doesn't look weird. Secondly, I took less than 10 minutes cutting your hair."

"Oh. Well it felt a lot longer. But.. It could look worse so thank you."

"You're welcome, why don't you go downstairs while I clean all of this up." I just nodded at him before going downstairs. When I get to the kitchen mom is the first to see me.

"You look so nice honey!" Mom comes closer to me to get a better look. Liam, and Jordan look towards me too.

"Yeah it looks good." Jordan and Liam said.

"Let's not make it a big deal please. Oh, and nobody can take photos until my hair grows out again, okay." I said while softly glaring at all three of them.

"Honey, that's a bit dramatic don't you think? I really like your hair, you look very handsome." She says while giving me a soft hug, before going back to the stove.

"I love you mom, but you don't really count. You have to say that." Mom gives me a disapproving look, while Liam and Jordan laugh at me.

"Don't worry about it if we take photos I'll just photoshop a wig on your head." Jordan teased. Liam laughed slightly but smacked Jordan on the head.

"Mom! Liam just smacked me."

"I didn't see anything, but nonetheless behave boys." Mom says, giving a wink at Liam, causing the both of us to laugh while Jordan pouts slightly.

"I thought reporters weren't supposed to be biased." Jordan countered.

"Well, I'm not a reporter right now. I'm your mom and you were teasing your brother. Not that I condone violence, but-"

"- but you kinda had it coming Jordan. Now both of you guys, no more fighting." Dad interrupts before ruffling Jordan's hair and griping Liam's shoulder lightly. They both give in.

"Babe, do you need any help?" Dad asked mom.

"No, I'm okay. I just made sandwiches, nothing fancy."

"So, your mom and I have been thinking that you guys should start learning to drive."

"Why, Liam and I can fly. Jon can teleport? I think.. It doesn't really matter. We pretty much have transportation down already." Jordan said.

"You guys can't just use your powers whenever you want. It's your responsibility to only use your powers when you have to and when it's safe to do so." Mom lectured.

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