Family Dinner - Chapter 18

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Jordan's POV

Dad and I just got home and we had a great time. I got to see this place called the fortress and it was really cool. I also got to learn more about my dad. Seeing dad talking about Superman and his powers made me realize that I was wrong to get so mad at him the day we found out. It was good to just talk to dad with no interruptions.

We got inside and looked for everyone but everyone was gone.

"I'll check upstairs Jon should be here." I said dad just nodded and called my mom.

When I went upstairs I knocked on Jonathan's door but he didn't answer.

"I'm coming in okay." I warned before walking in.

When I went in his lights were off except his lamp. I saw a lump on his bed so I pulled the covers a little to see Jonathan covering his eyes. He must have noticed that I pulled the covers, because he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Hey Jor" I just gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Why were you sleeping it's 7:30? I don't think I've ever seen you sleep during the day" I asked.

"I was just tired. Go downstairs I'll be right there, then you can talk my ear off on whatever happened today because you're practically buzzing off the walls." He said with a laugh.


Jonathan's POV

I woke up with a headache and I was nauseous which isn't good. Once Jordan left I got up to go to the bathroom. When I got up I was light headed so I had to take a minute for everything to focus again. I got to the bathroom and splashed my face with water.

There was a water bottle in my bathroom so I drank it now feeling really thirsty. I was confused. I didn't feel sick earlier, I looked up all the symptoms on my phone.

Dehydration. Great. I just put my shoes on and started walking down to the kitchen.

Jordan and dad were sitting down in the kitchen.

"Hey guys" I said to them

"Hey kid" "Hey Jon" They responded at the same time.

"So how was it?" I asked while filling up a water bottle full of water and ice.

"Oh it was great! Dad took me to this place and It was covered in ice and it was so quiet. Remember those stones we found when we were in the barn. Well dad took one and put it in this big machine and it did this really weird thing...."

He started rambling causing my head to ache more but I just tried my best to listen while drinking more water. When he stopped. Dad just chuckled and got up and started to make dinner.

"That's really cool Jordan, I'm glad you had fun." He just smiled at me.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Dad asked.

"Anything is good." We both said. I looked back at Jordan and we started to talk about random things.

"Hey I'm home" Mom said coming inside and putting all of her stuff away. She went and kissed my dad and then Jordan since he was closer to her. She hugged me last, giving me a bigger hug.

"I'm so sorry Jonathan." she said letting me go.

"I said it was fine, I didn't mind."

"What happened, is everything okay?" Dad asked. I nodded and mom shook her head.

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