Arguments & Nightmares - Chapter 28

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Jonathan's POV

I had just finished changing and my dad and Jordan were waiting for me. It was kind of hard to put my hoodie on with a giant cast on, but I managed. When I got out of the bathroom dad had a small hospital bag with medication and Jordan was on his phone. Jordan offered me a small smile which I wasn't going to return, but I noticed that his leg was shaking and I forgot that he hadn't taken his anxiety medication today. Not wanting to make it worse I just nodded at him instead, still refusing eye contact though.

"Are you ready?" Dad asked. I just nodded.

He had signed all the papers already so soon enough we were in the car leaving the hospital. It was going to be a long ride so I decided to just lean on the door and go to sleep.

If only I knew that my dreams were worse than my reality.


I wake up in a cave, somewhere in the desert like my last dream. I look around to find someone but instead I just see a black shadow in the distance. I squint my eyes but I can't see who it is. I'm about to walk towards them but they start talking.

"Jon-El, son of Kal-El. I make this offer to you once and only once. If you join me you will be strong, protected, and valued. You will be more than just the weaker twin, or a disappointment of a son. With me you will reach your full potential." The man says loudly, almost as if he's right next to me.

"No! Whatever you want from me I don't have anything or know anything." I said in a panic. I tried to find the man again but he flew away just like dad.

"Precisely. You don't have any value now, but when I'm done with you.. You will. Now son, listen carefully, anything I want I get. So I suggest you come willingly with me, or I come and get you under any means necessary." He threatens, before flying right in front of me and stabbing me with a knife in the stomach. I gasp in surprise and I stare at the man who has a smile on his face.

"Your life is about to get much worse" He says before disappearing.


I woke up with a jolt. I start panting but I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a hand touches my knee.

"Hey are you okay you were whimpering" Jordan asked. I just nodded, and tried to control my breathing.

"I'm fine, just a bad dream." I say looking back outside the window. I can feel dad and Jordans eyes on me but I ignore it and instead just focus on the drive. I start to feel better until I see the same shadow standing in a field of tall grass. I flinch back and I start breathing faster. I look for him again but he's gone.

"Jon! Jonathan, what's the matter?" I hear my dad say, but it's almost like he's a mile away. I feel the car slow down and he pulls over. As soon as he does I jump out of the car and I stumble my way out and look around for him.

'He's here. He's going to find me.' I think to myself. I hear the door of the car open again but I just start getting nauseous and dizzy. I stumble a little further to the bush and fall on my knees, soon after I start throwing up. I feel somebody rub my back but I try to push them away, and instead crawl further away.

I close my eyes and cover my ears, I can hear all these thoughts that aren't even mine. I start getting these thoughts that I'm going to get hurt and I'm going to be in pain or that my family is going to die if I don't go with him. I try to ignore them but I can't, the harder I try the worse they become.

"Jonathan! Look at me, You're okay I'm here." I look up to see dad infront of me and Jordan beside him. Tears fall out of my eyes and I start to sob. Dad pulls me in for a hug, but I start thrashing around trying to get out of it, he ignores me though and instead just holds me tighter. Jordan kneels down and holds my injured arm down so I don't hurt it more while I'm thrashing around.

"Stop! Let me go! He's going to find me! Please, Please just stop." I beg but dad just holds me tighter and starts whispering things in my ear.

He starts to tell me a story about how when I was little I was scared of the dark and after a few nights in my parents room I decided to go to my room and try to sleep alone again. He told me he was so proud of me for trying to be brave.

"You just have to be brave again okay, can you do that and take a deep breath for me?" He asked softly. I just nodded and after a few minutes I managed to calm down. I stopped thrashing and instead I just waited for my dad to let go of me. When they finally did I got up quickly and started to walk a little towards the field where I saw him to make sure that he was actually gone.

"Jon what happened?" Jordan asked. I just shrugged him off.

"It doesn't matter anymore I'm fine, let's go home." I say getting into the car before dad can object.

Soon enough they both get back in the car and dad starts driving. We're almost to the house but dad keeps giving me worried glances through the mirror and it's starting to annoy me.

"Can you guys stop?" I say angrily.

"No. We can't Jon. I have been giving you space and just hoping that you would eventually come to me but obviously there are things you're not telling me so, when we get home everything gets out in the open." He says strictly.

"No! I'm not Jordan! I'm not some kid that needs everybody's attention all the time. I'm not like you and I'm not like Superboy over here. I Lost everything, when YOU decided to move us out here. I lost my friends, I lost the only normal thing I have ever had, and I just lost football, my dream of playing in the NFL is gone. So sorry, but I get to deal with that however I need to." I explode before getting out of the car again since we're home now. Mom comes out and is about to say something but stops when she sees dad and I arguing.

"Oh so this is handling it? You had a meltdown on the side of the road. I know that this is not what you expected but ignoring it isn't going to do anything either." He said softly while coming to stand in front of me. I could see right through him, he wasn't mad but he was worried and he couldn't be, because if he found out too much of anything I would never be able to leave again.

"Yeah dad I know. I was there. Can't you just leave me alone. It was a one time thing, can't you just understand that my whole world just got turned upside down by the one person that I thought could never hurt me." I say while pointing at Jordan.

"I just lost football, the LAST thing that I had. And HE took it from me. My twin, my best friend, might have just cost me my dream. And you want to know what's worse. I can't even blame him for it. So yeah dad I had a mental breakdown on the road and I'm sorry I scared you but I'm scared right now. I can't change that and talking about it isn't going to fix anything!" I yell before running inside and going up to my room.

When I get there I lock all my windows and I check my closet, and my bathroom to make sure that nobody is in here. Once I make sure It's only me I put my headphones in and I blast music. A few hours later my mom comes in and tries to talk to me but I ignore her and she just leaves me alone.


Hey guys I just made this chapter right now So I hope you guys like it.

I know I haven't posted in a while but I had a lot of stress and my anxiety has been so much worse from school and I'm trying really hard to get it under control. But I do plan to post another chapter soon probably in the next 2 days or so. 

I will also try to make it longer! Please leave comments, suggestions, thoughts, etc.

Make sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter.

I love you guys stay safe </3

Also Jonathan is getting his powers extremely soon. 

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