Truth comes out - Chapter 23

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Jonathan's POV

I shook my head in an attempt to stop overthinking. I mean I messed up but it's not like I can't fix it. I just have to apologize to Sarah, and make it up to Jordan and my parents. Yeah, it's fine.

I'm trying to sleep, I mean I'm physically and mentaly tired but I just can't fall asleep. I sigh and get up, I just decided I'll go downstairs and have some water hoping that it will help. I haven't heard anybody come upstairs yet so everyones probably still up.

I go downstairs to see a box in the living room. My mom looks at the box in pity, while holding an unopened letter? Jordan looks like he just found the answer to something, and my dad just looks confused.

"Uhh, what's going on?" I ask. They all snap their heads to me, but nobody speaks up.

"Guys, you're starting to freak me out. What's wrong?" I ask one last time, this time Jordan comes up to me and hugs me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jordan asks with concern, lacing his voice. I just look at him dumbfounded.

"What do you mean? Tell you what?" I say getting angry that nobody is telling me anything.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Eliza broke up." he says gently. When he says that my eyes immediately widen and my head snaps to look at the box.

"What- What are you guys talking about-" I ask before trying to push Jordan away so I can see what's in it. He's stronger and faster than me though and he gets in my way.

"Are you sure you want to see it?" he asked me. I just ignored him and pushed him. I didn 't push him hard or anything just enough for him to back off.

I ignore the looks my parents are giving me, and I look at the box. The first thing I see is all my hoodies and the stuffed animals I got her. There's also pictures of her and I that are ripped apart.

I sit down and bring the box closer to me. Under all the clothes and stuffed toys there's a small jewelry box. I slowly open it under one of the hoodies so that nobody sees it. When I open it I see the friendship ring and bracelet I bought for her.

I know it's cheesy but a few years ago she was going through alot and she had told me she felt so alone. So, I got a job and saved up money and bought us matching rings and bracelets, and I told her that she would never have to feel like that anymore.

When I see that I feel the air get knocked out of me. I want to punch something but knowing all my family's eyes are on me I take a deep breath instead. I look at the letter in my mom's hands.

"Was that in the box?" I ask motioning to the letter. She just nodded and passed it to me. Without making eye contact with anybody I pick it up and open it.

I look at it and it says 'Here's all your stuff back'. I stare at it for a minute before I start laughing. I look up for the first time and notice that my parents have now sat in front of me on the other couch. Jordan has moved to sit on the floor a little bit to the side of them. I turned the note around looking for any other message that could be in it but seeing it blank just caused me to laugh harder.

I see my family looking at each other almost trying to communicate with one another through their minds.

I'm still chuckling as I try to put the note back in the envelope. But then in the corner of my eye I see a photo under some glitter that I didn't notice before. Oh, that's another thing this psycho mixed like a pound of glitter in with all the stuff. I shake the photo to get the glitter off, and I see that it's a photo of her kissing Alex.

I slowly stopped chuckling and I let the photo fall. Not giving two fucks on who sees it. I throw the letter in the box and take the ring and bracelets out, and put it on the table. After I'm done I pick up the box and I go outside and throw it in the trash can.

When I'm back inside, nobody has moved yet. I put the ring and bracelet in my pocket and I sat down.

I meet their gaze and I let it sink in that they know. One of the secrets I've tried so hard to keep. I notice Jordan is about to say something but I just put my hand up and interrupt him.

"I know. I know. I'll explain." I say, he just nodded and leaned back.

"So, look when we left Metropolis, Eliza and I weren't doing too well, and she started to ignore me and we started to fight a lot. There was this one night where I had called her and we got in this big fight and she told me she had cheated on me with Alex." I said before shrugging.

"With Alex! He was like one of your best friends from the team" Jordan said, looking like he was going to kill somebody. I smiled at that but I just shrugged him off and continued.

"We obviously had bigger problems to deal with over here so there was never a really good time to tell you guys. Plus I didn't really want to..." I said finishing the story but ignoring all the details.

"Is that why you've been acting differently?" Jordan asks. I just shrug.

"I don't feel like I've been acting weird." I say he just shakes his head.

"Why didn't you tell us we could have helped you?" Mom says.

"There was nothing to help mom. Plus there was nothing that you guys walking on eggshells would have helped. " I say walking to the kitchen and getting the water I've been wanting. I go back to the living room with my water.

"I'm tired, and my head hurts. Plus me and Jordan have a game to play tomorrow in Metropolis... So, I'm going to bed." I see my family nod but they're looking at me with pity.

"I'm fine guys, I've had time to process this, it's already been weeks now. So, I'm good now." I say with a smile.

"Okay. We believe you kid. But we're here if you ever need us." dad said before ruffling my hair and going to clean up the dishes. I just nod and leave to go up the stairs.

When I'm in my room I start getting dizzy again and I feel a shooting pain going through my head. I fall on my knees and I try to not make any noise. But it hurts too much and I let out a whimper.

I put my hand on my head and I try to just wait it out. Eventually it stops and I'm left on the floor panting leaning on my bed. This hasn't happened in a few days so I stopped worrying about it. Maybe I should tell my dad...


Short chapter but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting. So this will just mean there will be a few more chapters until Jonathan gets his powers ;)

Love you guys :) I'll try to work on another chapter soon! 

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Hiding From The Demons - Jonathan KentWhere stories live. Discover now