Coping - Chapter 36

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I go on my phone and I login to Instagram, and I see all these messages from people I don't know in Smallville and in Metropolis saying that they're happy I'm okay, and that they're praying for me. Some people even posted about me. They don't even know me and almost everybody on here wouldn't even care if I had died or not. In fact they might have wished I had died so that they could post another thing about me to get pity or likes.

I can't believe it. It makes me fucking sick. I'm interrupted my dad coming in.

"Are you ready Jon?" He asks.

"Yeah.." I say softly before slowly getting off the bed with my dad's help. 


Jonathan's POV

My dad helps me into my seat before turning on the car. He plays some music on the radio but he hasn't started the car yet.

"You're not going to start the car?" I asked, the confusion evident in my voice.

"I will right now but let me call your mom before we head home." He said before softly closing the door, and going on his phone. I listened in and I heard him dial a number.

"Hey. How is it going?" I hear mom ask.

"Lois... It's bad. I'm really worried. The doctor said almost half of his body is covered in scars, and he's severely underweight. If that wasn't bad enough he said he's going to need surgery at some point to fix his throat." He said. I was surprised he sounded so worried, but his face never once faltered. When he saw me looking at him he smiled so brightly and continued talking as if he heard the greatest news.

"It's going to be okay Clark. He's home. That is the only thing that matters. We just have to make him feel safe and protected and he will get better with time. Did the doctor give you any advice?" I could hear mom say on the line. I just prayed that Jordan wasn't listening in like I was.

"Well physically he said that he had mostly healed... which I expected because of that elixir that Jonathan talked about, but he gave me some stuff for his cuts on his leg and stomach and some pain meds. Physically there's not much we can do. He mentioned that in cases were kids are tortured to the extent Jonathan was, hes more prone to have panic attacks, night terrors,eating disorders, and suicidal thought even.., so he said one of us should always keep an eye on him." He said softly.

"... It's okay. Jonathan and Jordan are the strongest people I have ever met. We have a plan and everything else we will take care of as it comes. I'm at the store with Jordan right now. Do you guys need anything?" Mom asked.

"Can you get a few packs of nutrition drinks for Jonathan? The doctor said he's probably gonna have trouble eating for the next few months-" And at this point I stop listening. I take a deep breath and I just put some headphones in.

I don't know how to feel. I'm so confused. I'm so tired. The only thing I've thought about these last few months is coming home, but I never once thought about how hard everything would be when I came back. I want to forget about everything but at the same time I want to scream until my lungs give out. I want to scream and yell at my family for not finding me. My grandpa works for the most powerful government organization, Jordan has powers, mom is the best journalist in the country, and my dad is SUPERMAN for fucks sake, and they couldn't fucking find me. I want to hate them for that, but I can't because it's not their fault and I know they did everything they could. But this anger inside of me is going to tear me apart.

I regret ever letting Edge go. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I had him. I could have killed him in a second. Why the fuck did I ever let him go. Nothing is going to be okay. I don't know how to act or feel anymore. How am I supposed to forget about this, or let alone eat dinner with my family as if nothing ever happened. I'm a joke.

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