The Truth hurts sometimes - Chapter 4

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Clark's Pov

Me and Lois had just come back from the bank where we basically found out that due to the financial trouble in Smallville my mother refinanced her home to help others in the town. This means that we can either repay the debt or we can sell it for the remainder value. I don't know what to do, I love Smallville and I appreciate it much more than I did before, but I know that it would be so many changes.

Me and Lois were talking about our options as we stayed in the truck outside the house. All of a sudden we see the boys running toward us looking ready to kill.


Jonathans POV

I was still trying to process what just happen when I see Jordan so angry it looks like he's about to explode. He runs up the stairs and out of the barn. I go to follow him and see that my parents are back and sitting in my dad's truck. They look at us and get out of the car with concern in their eyes.

"So that's why, that's why you never wanted us in the barn because you have a freaken alien ship in there!" Jordan Screamed at our parents.

"I can explain" dad said but was shortly cut off.

"Yah, can you explain that I found 30 feet and nothing happened, can you!"

"Just calm down, just give him a chance" I said trying to calm down the situation. I put a hand on his shoulder but he just shrugged me off.

"But that was a lie wasn't it." Jordan looked at our parents.

"Yes! Yes it was a lie, that ship brought me to earth. It landed in Smallville and I was sent here when my planet krypton was destroyed. Your grandparents, they adopted me showed me how to control my powers, they raised me. "

"You're saying you're Superman?" I looked at my dad confused.

"Yes" My dad looked down.

"No!, we've seen Superman." Jordan said. My dad took off his glasses and we both gasped. Dad then went to the truck and lifted it up, and then he started floating with the car.

"I understand all the excuses, all the times you were gone you lied to us you both did." Jordan looked at dad accusingly.

"He was saving lives" Mom finally decided to say something.

"That doesn't make it less true, you lied to protect his secret. All the things I've been feeling you made me think I was crazy!" Jordan said, crying.

"Your mental health has nothing to do with who your father is" I couldn't believe mom had just said that. Jordan has always felt different then everybody else and for her to say that it has nothing to do with that made my blood boil.

"How do you know that, I'm half human half whatever he is." Jordan said to mom.

"Hey don't yell at your mother, I was the one that didn't want you to know" Dad said looking down.

"Why?" I said, looking at my parents like they had just killed my dog.

"Because I knew how much of a burden it would be if you guys both had powers, or worse you had powers but Jordan didn't." My dad said. Wow. I looked between my parents and Jordan.

"You think he's the reason we survived yesterday, go on dad tell superboy over there why he's really so perfect."

"What are you talking about?" I said, raising my voice a little.

"We thought that your athletic talents could be hidden abilities manifesting, and then yesterday..." She was cut off by my dad.

"The only way you guys survived last night was if one of you had abilities like me."

Jordan started to walk away and then my dad called him. He looked back.

"Leave me alone, you may have been sent here to be a hero but you sure as hell wasn't sent here to be a father." I looked at Jordan with tears in my eyes. I wanted to ask more questions but I knew the longer we stayed the more it was going to affect Jordan. Jordan turned around again and started walking away. My dad took a step trying to follow Jordan, But I stepped in front of him.

"Just leave us alone" I said with a raspy voice and tears in my eyes. I turned around and started jogging to where Jordan went. 


Jonathan's POV

As I was walking to Jordan. I started to think about everything and how much sense it made now. All the weird excuses, the constantly being gone.

I finally found Jordan sitting on a Log by this weird river at the end of all the corn fields. I sat next to him slowly. He looked at me.

"Shouldn't you be with them, superboy," he said bitterly.

Wow. That hurt.

"Hey, don't be mad at me I didn't know either okay." He looked at me and saw my red eyes and he sighed and put his head in his hands.

"I know I'm sorry" I just lightly hit his shoulder with mine and said it was fine.

"I know you saved us yesterday." He looked at me shocked.

"What you believe me" I looked at him like he was stupid.

"Of course I do. You shouldn't even ask me that. Plus I think I would have remembered being a hero." I said laughing, trying to lighten the mood.

He just looked at me with a blank expression before he burst into laughter. Hearing him laugh made me laugh. So like two idiots we were laughing at absolutely nothing.

"Thank you" I looked a him confused.

"For what?"

"For not treating me like I'm glass but still always being there. I mean you don't have powers and you still tried to save me" to be honest when he said that I was kind of sad. It's not like I want powers but it just made me realize that I wasn't like my dad as much as I thought I was.

"I'll always save you, I don't need powers for that" I said.

"While technically I saved us..." I looked at him ready to kill him.

"Well, we wouldn't have been in that position if you wouldn't have tried to show off to Sarah." I said snarkily. He just gave me a look.

"Have you even talked to her today?" I asked.

"Yah, she invited us to a bonfire with all the kids from the town." He said looking down. I could tell he was starting to get anxious knowing that a lot of people were probably going to be there.

"Well, do you want to go?" I learned that when talking to Jordan you always have to let him be in control of what he wants to do and not force him.

"Kind of" he said shighly.

"Well let's go" I started to get up.

"What, what about dad?" Jordan looked at me like I had two heads.

"Forget about dad, he will still be here tomorrow." I said smiling down at him and helping him get up. Then we started walking to the bonfire.


Okay guys, 2 chapters posted today! I tried to make this a little longer then the others. I also wanted to leave a disclaimer that in the upcoming chapters are probably not going to be as similar to the episodes anymore. 

I'm thinking that in a few chapters I might make some things a little triggering so I'll make sure to leave disclaimers.

Also, would you like me to post a long chapter about once a day. Or try to do 2 shorter chapters a day?

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Remember you guys are loved and appreciated. Have a great day/night I love you guys </3

Please fill free to comment or leave suggestions! I would love to hear feedback :)

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