2 Weeks later - Chapter 14

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Jonathan's POV

It's been about a week and a half since we decided to move to  Smallville. We finished moving all of our things from Metropolis 2 days ago. There are still boxes everywhere since we remodeled the house.

Dad finished a lot of the remodeling with his powers and we just finished painting the walls last night. Mom, Jordan, and I had to finish painting since dad got called to do something.

Jordan looked really happy to be here. Him and Sarah had been talking a lot too. Mom was really interested in Morgan Edge, she had mentioned about looking into finding a job at the newspaper here in Smallville. Dad was just trying to spend time with Jordan and trying to get him to learn control of his powers.

Ever since we talked about moving to Smallville during dinner I've been able to get mom and dad off my back. At first hanging out with dad was really cool but after a few days of all the hovering and watching I decided that I actually preferred when mom and dad were busy.

I do miss spending time with Jordan more,but I know that he's happy. I guess the fact that he doesn't need me as much should make me feel better but it just makes me feel more alone. My ribs feel fine again, and I stopped spitting up blood. Thank God.

I've been trying to pass the time by working out to hopefully make the football team here. I know that tryouts have already passed but hopefully the coach will give me a shot.

I've been running a lot. I run all around the property for as long as I can. Most of the time I don't even get tired. I really enjoy running because everything wrong just feels like it melts away. I feel nothing except relief when I run.

So that is where I am right now. Running back to the house after running for about an hour. I run a few hours throughout the day but I like to sneak out in the morning before everybody is awake and it's still dark. I always try to get back before 7, because that's the time my parents usually wake up.

I'm not trying to hide the fact that I'm running, but I know mom and dad would be concerned to know that I run in the morning aside from what I do during the day.

When I got inside it was 7:00. I know that mom and dad are probably about to get up soon so I quietly make my way inside to my room. I finished unpacking in my room a few days ago so I can easily find some clean clothes and I go into the bathroom and take a shower.

When I'm done I make my way downstairs to see mom and dad making food. When they see me they don't look surprised since it has become a normal thing for me to get up early here.

"Hey Jon" Mom says coming up to me and giving me a hug. Dad just looks at me.

"Hey kid, are you hungry?" Dad asked.

"I'm starving." They just looked at me weirdly.

"Jon, how can you be starving? You eat a lot at dinner and you're the first one to eat at breakfast." Dad says while chuckling.

"You're just angry because I'm growing and I'm going to be taller than you." I said, smirking at my dad.

"Oh yeah, maybe when pigs fly" He said snarkily.

"Okay boys enough." Mom said while trying not to smile.

"Aw come on you know you love us" Dad said while going up to her trying to hug her. The only problem was his hands had a bunch of pancake mix on them.

"Do not come near me Clark!" Mom said threateningly to dad.

"What? With these hands?" he says before chasing her. She just continues to run away from him while laughing. Jordan comes down looking tiredly and sitting next to me.

"What are they doing?" Jordan asks while yawning.

"Moms running away from dad." I said simply. He looked confused until he saw my mom run back in the kitchen with dad following her.

"Okay. Okay truce." Mom says.

"Fine, but you have to give me a kiss." Dad says, closing his eyes ready for mom to kiss him. She goes up to him and gives him a fast kiss but he pulls her close to him and deepens the kiss.

"Oh my god my eyes!" I scream while covering mine and Jordan's eyes. Jordan just pretends to start gagging. Mom and dad start laughing. Mom throws a towel at us and me and Jordan start laughing with them.

"How do you boys think we had you?" Dad says, causing him and my mom to burst out laughing. While me and Jordan stopped and looked mortified.

"Ewww!! Why would you say that?" Jordan screams. Dad is about to say something but I stop him.

"Stop! Stop! Don't say anything. Please just stop talking about this." Dad just laughs more and hands us our now burnt food.

We sit at the table and Mom and dad start talking.

"Okay so today I'm going to sign up Jonathan for school and you'll start Monday." Mom says. I just nod. Today is Friday, so I have time to get everything together.

"Wait, what about me?" Jordan asks. Dad just sighs.

"Your mother and I think you should sit out on going to school for a little." He says.

"What why?" Jordan asks angrily.

"We think that you could use a little extra time to understand your powers before you go back to school." Mom said. Jordan's about to say something, but I interrupt him.

"Come on, it doesn't sound too bad. Plus if we play our cards right we can try to have a say in this." I say to him whispering in his ear. He looks at me hesitantly but motions me to continue.

"What if Jordan goes back to school in two weeks. Then he still has time to learn some ways to control his powers but he doesn't come in too late to the school year that he will be confused." I said out loud to my parents this time. Mom and dad look at each other before mom shrugs.

"Okay. We can do that but if Jordan doesn't make much progress with his powers by then we might have to reconsider." Jordan just beams.

"Okay, that's fair," Jordan says, nodding at my dad.

"Okay after we finish eating I want you to go get ready and I'll well start once I come back from taking your brother to the doctors." I just look at him confused.

"What why?" I asked.

"Remember the Doctor from the bonfire told us to come see him in two weeks to see how you were healing?" Dad asked me.

"Vaguely" I said but it came out sounding more like a question.

"I remember the fight more," I said. Dad just snorted.

"Only you would forget the most important details out of situations" Dad said while putting his dish away.

"It didn't seem important at the time." I said innocently.

"Oh yeah of course. It's just your health on the line." Mom said sarcastically.

They both looked at me with a parental glare. I knew if I didn't get out now I would get in trouble for 'neglecting my health'. Again. Which is bull if you ask me because I care I just sometimes forget. So, I just smiled.

"Remember that one time I saved you from choking." I said while looking at my parents lovingly. Jordan had been drinking orange juice when I said this and he started choking on his drink while laughing. I just looked at him seriously like nothing was funny which caused him to laugh more.

Mom and Dad looked unimpressed but they had slight smiles on their faces. 


Hey guys! I'm going to work on another chapter tonight but that one will probably post either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Also please comment and vote! I love to hear feedback.

I left some questions at the bottom of the last chapter in regards to the way the story is going to be structured so If you have something you would like to see please go back and leave feedback. 

Remember you guys are so loved </3 

Hiding From The Demons - Jonathan KentWhere stories live. Discover now