Sequels & Jordan Elsass

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Hi Guys!!!

As you know this story is completed and I hadn't decided if I was going to continue this story. However, since it is rumored that Jordan Elsass the actor that plays Jonathan is not continuing Superman and Lois because of his mental health. I want to continue this story.

I love this show, and Jordan has played Jonathan so well and I'm not ready to say goodbye to his character. I'm working out the logistics of the story this week but I am continuing this story. I'm not sure how many people even enjoy this story but even as the writer, im not done with these characters and there story.

Also please keep Jordan in your thoughts. On his instagram about a month or two ago he mentioned he was quitting social media and taking time for himself to get better. He mentioned he was going to be in a facility for a month. Regardless of how sad it will be to not see him next season if it's true I wish him the best <3

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