Torture - Chapter 30

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********WARNING********: Torture in the next chapter.

Jonathan's POV

I groan in pain and my head is throbbing, I try to move my hands to my head but they are pulled back. That's when I notice that my arms are chained above my head. I finally registered everything that happened and all I want at that moment is to go home with my family.

"Good, you're awake, we can start now." I hear Edge say behind me. I try my best to turn to him.

"What do y-you mean?" I ask fearfully. He just ignored me before releasing my wrists and letting them fall. I immediately rub my wrists as they're now red and bruised. He then grabs me from behind my neck and he drags me to this room that resembles a hospital room. I notice a bed with straps and I start to thrash around trying to get out of his hold but he just holds me tighter and throws me on the table. I try to get off but he uses his strength to hold me down before strapping me down to the table. He straps my right hand, my legs, and my waist, leaving my hand with the cast on unstrapped.

He then wordlessly walks up to my left arm and breaks my cast off, causing me to scream out in pain. He just ignored me and strapped it tightly to the table too. I had tears that were falling out of my eyes. He left the room not long after, and I moved around to try to see if I could escape. I tried for a few minutes but It was pointless.

A few minutes later, Edge comes back with a bunch of things on a cart. I can't see much of what's on the cart but whatever it is I know it can't be good. He comes up to me and he has a mouth guard in his hand.

"What are you going to do? What's that for?!" I panicked.

"We wouldn't want you to shatter your teeth right?" He said menacingly. I couldn't stop myself from flinching at the thought of being in so much pain. He just forces my jaw open and puts it in my mouth. He then brings a knife from the table.

"Let's try to test your healing." He says to me, I try to talk but it just sounds muffled with the guard in my mouth. He then takes the knife and drags it across my stomach causing me to scream out in pain. I can feel the blood start pouring out of the long cut and I start thrashing around. He just puts the restraints on tighter causing my already injured hand to hurt more. He then takes the knife and slowly pushes it into my stomach causing more blood to pour out, he continues for what feels like an eternity. When he's finally finished my voice is raw, tears are freely running down my face, and there's so much blood. I feel light headed and my stomach is stinging badly. I look at him with pleading eyes, but he ignores it and instead loosens all the restraints and takes out the mouthpiece out of my mouth before dragging me back into the room where he recuffs me and leaves me to lay on the floor.

When he leaves I try my best to look at the damage but my shirt is still on it's just heavily ripped. I can't move my hands so I can't even attempt to stop the bleeding. All I want to do is just go back home but the only way I can do that is if I get out of here. I don't have time to think about it anymore as I black out from the pain.

The next time I wake up I'm in the all white room again. My body is Restrained again. I look around and see Edge in the corner. He must have heard me because he turned around.

"Good you're up again. So you don't have super healing." He says more to himself than to me. I look at my stomach and see that the cuts are barely scabbing and they look like they are starting to get infected.

" We don't have the time to try to force your powers to emerge, so I'm going to test something." He said getting a large needle filled with a green substance, it wasn't the only one either.

"What- What is that?" I asked fear, lacing my voice.

"It's something that is going to fix you. It is a liquid replica that has as much solar energy as the sun, along with some liquid kryptonian. " He says simply.

"How is that even possible-" I asked in disbelief.

"It was my fathers work, he wanted to apply it to me so I could become the strongest version of myself, however I, like you father, are not immune to kryptonian. But you are, you're half kryptonian and you have the solar energy running through your veins just not enough. With this it should jumpstart your powers, and injecting you with Kryptonite in theory will make you immune to it causing you to be extremely powerful." He explained.

"Why are you telling me this then? If I become that powerful then I can just kill you as soon as it's done." I say trying to keep my voice as firm as I can.

"Do you really think that I wouldn't have a plan for that Jon- El? In theory if you even survive from the kryptonite, or the amount of exposure to the Solar energy, and you don't become brain dead from the pain of your body and blood being boiled from the inside, then I have a plan inplace to make sure that you will never disobey me." He said menacingly. I tried to move under the restraints again but that just caused my hand to hurt worse than it already was.

He just smirked at my attempt, and forced the rubber piece back into my mouth before restraining my head to the table too. I tried to move my head and look around to see what he was doing but I couldn't see anything. I was panicking and it was obvious, my breathing was labored and my body was shaking. All of a sudden I felt him tilt my neck a little and I felt a long needle pierce my skin. I whimpered as I felt the needle go deeper and deeper into my skin. Not long after I felt all this pressure rush to my head.

I started screaming and thrashing against the restraints as my head felt like it was exploding. I started to hear voices from everywhere in my head and it was like somebody was banging my head with a crowbar. My whole body felt like it was burning and suddenly my clothes, the restraints, the table, everything felt like it was on fire. I started to feel liquid coming out of my nose, my eyes, and my ears. I had never in my life felt so much pain. My own screaming made my head hurt worse, and my throat ached from my screams.

Suddenly I felt hands holding me down again, just causing me to scream more as they were holding me tightly just adding to the pain I was feeling. More needles pierced through my skin making everything hurt worse. I prayed and prayed to let it kill me. I couldn't handle it anymore. Luckily, I started to feel myself drifting out of consciousness.


Sorry it's a short chapter! This took me a long time to right since it was a torture chapter  and I didn't know how to write it. I'm going to try to continue writing more tomorrow.

I'm also going to make a plan where I can balance out writing, sports, homework, etc. So you guys don't have to wait as long as you did. 

I hope you guys like it! Please. Please leave feedback or suggestions because this is my FIRST time ever writing something like this where it's torture, pain, etc. I'd really like to get better at writing so if you have any tips please leave them below. Along with anything you might want to see in the next chapter.

********NOT EDITED********

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