Big Decisions - Chapter 13

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Clarks POV

Jon just fell asleep and I went into the kitchen to wash some dishes. I was thinking about how much I missed spending time with my kids. I haven't spent that much time with Jonathan in a long time.

I'm also hoping that the boys decide to stay in Smallville. I know that it would be a huge change but I just see a much brighter future here for us. Jordan seems a lot happier here too.

I'm worried about how Jonathan will cope, if we were to move here, but I know he'd be able to manage like he always does.

I finished washing the dishes right as I heard Lois and Jordan coming through the door laughing. I went up to them and motioned them to be quiet before I pointed to Jonathan on the couch stirring in his sleep. Lois looked at him in awe, and Jordan took a picture.

"For blackmail" he whispered before putting the bags of groceries on the kitchen table. I just shook my head softly chuckling. Lois began putting the food away and I started making dinner. Jordan had excused himself to text Sarah.

"It's crazy how things are different here," Lois said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you're at home making dinner, Jordan excused himself to talk to a girl, and Jon is resting instead of playing football for hours on end." she said. I thought about it and nodded.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that before you guys came home. I thought about how much happier we could be if we moved here." she just nodded. We continued to make dinner in a comfortable silence, both of us just appreciating each other's company since we usually aren't both home at the same time.

*************************** Skip until after dinner************************************

Jonathan's POV

I woke up to Jordan shaking me. I groaned and moved to the other side trying to ignore him. I heard him say something and then leave. Good. I'm not done sleeping.

Less than a minute later I heard from my mom.

"Jonathan. Get up dinner is ready." She said softly, shaking my shoulder.

'Food. I like food. I'm hungry. Did I have lunch?' All these thoughts were floating around in my head as I started to gain consciousness again. I opened my eyes to come face to face with my mom.

"What type of food?" I asked. She just laughed at me.

"Your's and Jordan's favorite."

"Ribs and mashed potatoes" I said excitedly.

"Yeah, now get up." She said, grabbing my hands and helping me up. I happily got up. When I got into the kitchen Jordan and dad were sitting down already and I went to the sink to rinse my face and mouth. I spit up some blood and I rinsed my face to hopefully wake up.

I got to the table and I served myself. I sat next to Jordan and he bumped my shoulder.

"Morning sleeping beauty" He said, mocking me like I did to him. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Okay boys, have you guys thought about the idea of moving here?" Mom asked, ignoring our interaction.

"Yeah." We both said in unison. Mom and Dad looked surprised but they straightened up a little putting their forks down giving us their full attention.

"So, what did you guys decide?" Dad asked. I looked at Jordan giving him a glance to tell mom and dad our decision.

"We decided that moving to Smallville wouldn't be the worst thing in the world and were okay with it?" Dad looked happy and mom looked relieved. They took their attention off of Jordan and on to me. I squirmed a little from all the attention.

"And you feel the same way Jon?" dad asked. I looked at Jordan before looking at dad again.

"Yeah, I mean it would be a huge change but we can do it" I said giving him a big grin.

"Okay.... Okay. That-that's amazing!" Dad said practically yelling. Then he came up to us giving us a bear hug.

"I was hoping you would say that," Dad said ruffling our hair. Mom just laughed at me and Jordan smiling but groaning for messing with our hair.

"Okay. Okay, you're happy. We're all happy. But can we eat now? My food's getting cold." I said I wanted nothing more than to eat my food. Dad just cleared his throat.

"Yes, of course," He said, embarrassed at his outburst. I just laughed at him before stuffing a spoon full of food in my face.

The rest of dinner we just talked about all the things we would have to do to move everything over here in Smallville. Once we finished dinner we were all tired so we decided to go to sleep early.

" Do you guys want us to stay with you again? Or do you guys feel better?" Mom asked.

"I'm good." Jordan said, and mom just nodded.

"I'm good too." I said. Mom and dad looked at me hesitantly.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean you're still badly hurt and coughing up blood." Mom asked concern, lacing her voice. I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. Don't worry I feel a lot better and I don't need help walking or doing things anymore like I did last night." I said really hoping they would just let me go.

"Fine, but if anything happens you need to come get me, doesn't matter what time. Be careful with your ribs and don't be lazy if something feels bad, don't just ignore it because you're tired." Dad said, raising his eyebrows in a classic lecturing look.

"I know, I got it, I promise" I say, giving him a thumbs up.

"Okay, but I'm still going to check up on you." He said as I started to walk away.

"I'll take it!" I yell as I put my fists up in the air walking backwards so I still face him. He just threw a pillow at me.

"Go to bed," Mom said chuckling.

" Why did we think kids were a good Idea." Dad said groaning while putting his head on my mom's shoulder.

"Hey we heard that!" Jordan and I said at the same time.


Hey guys! New chapter. It's kind of boring and Bland but after this I'm probably going to do a time skip and get too some of the parts that are more interesting.

 I also have a lot of Ideas on how I want Jon to maybe get powers, but I'm not sure if I think he should so let me know. Also I plan on maybe digging deeper in Jonathan struggles. Maybe even have him hangout with a bad crowd? 

*** Also I want to remind everyone this story is supposed to focus on Jonathan and his character development and to bring light on his struggles as a teenager and the only human son in a family of super people. ***

I prefer writing in either Jonathan or Clark's POV because I think they are the easiest characters to read. However, if you guys want me to write in Lois's or Jordan's POV more let me know!

I'm going to be writing tomorrow and I'll post again. Thank you so much for 600 Reads!!!! Please comment and vote if you enjoy this book.

Remember you guys are so loved </3

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