Doctors - Chapter 15

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Jonathan's POV

After breakfast, Mom left to sign me up for school and to go talk to the manager of the newspaper to talk about a job. Dad didn't want to leave Jordan alone so he's coming with us to the doctors.

"Okay I'm ready." Jordan said, putting his sweater on.

"Okay" Dad said, getting his keys. Once we were inside the car he put on some random radio station and lowered the volume.

"How do you feel Jon? " Dad asked me.

"I've felt fine for the last few days." I said. He just nodded and focused on driving.

I just went on my phone and tried to text Eliza. I went to her house when we were in Metropolis to talk to her but her mom said she was out with some friends. I tried to call her a few times but she never answered.

She'll just text me a few hours later with an excuse. I really needed to talk to her so I asked her if she wanted to come to Smallville for a weekend. After sending the invitation I put my phone away and leaned my head on the window. I slowly fell asleep.

"Wake up" I opened my eyes to come face to face with Jordan. I looked around and noticed that we got here and dad was getting out. I stretched and got out of the car. We walked in and dad signed me in, while Jordan and I sat down.

I never liked doctors' offices; they always seemed like the place for bad news. I had nothing against the people that worked here. I know they have good intentions but it's not exactly my favorite place to spend my day at.

I was interrupted by my dad coming and sitting by us. I just went on my phone to pass the time. A few minutes later a nurse called my name.

"Jonathan Kent" We all got up and she showed us to a room. We got there and I sat on the bed and Jordan and dad sat on some seats beside me.

"Okay, I just have a few questions." She said looking towards me with a gentle smile. I felt a little more welcome and just nodded at her to continue.

"Okay how old are you?"

"I'm 14."

"What is the reason for coming?"

"I bruised some ribs and I had a black eye, 2 weeks ago"

"Oh, were you at the bonfire? Most of the teenagers here in the town had injuries from that night" She asked with sympathy in her voice.

"Something like that" I said with a soft chuckle.

"Okay, is there any pain in your ribs or your eye?"


"Okay, Dr. Miller will be with you in a few minutes" She said before closing the door. Less than a minute later Dr. Miller came in.

"Hey, Jon right?" He asked and I just nodded.

"Ok I remember you. You're the kid that fought all those guys to protect your brother right?" He said with a smile. Dad just looked at me with a proud smile.

"Uh yeah. Not my usual party act." I said looking at the ground. He just laughed.

"I was the same way with my brother. Okay. Can you move your shirt up a little so I can look at your ribs." I just pulled my shirt up. He started to press around my ribs a little.

"Does this hurt at all?" He asked. I just shook my head. He replied with a nod. Then he got something to look into my eye with.

"Okay. Look straight ahead. I'm going to look into your eye now." I did what I was told.

"Okay. Everything looks perfectly fine. His ribs healed a lot better than I expected. There is no bruising at all which is great. His eye looks like there is no permanent damage which I was a little worried about, but there is absolutely nothing wrong. He has no limitations; he can go back to being a reckless teenager again." He said looking at my dad. My dad just chuckled and nodded at the last part.

"Okay, thank you" Dad said, getting up and shaking his hand.

"Of course if either of you guys ever need anything you know where to find me." He said looking at Jordan and I before leaving.

"Okay, come on boys." Dad said, showing us out.

"Well that's a load off." Dad said while putting a hand over our shoulders.

"Yeah that means I can play football again." I said grinning.

"If you make the team," Jordan said.

"Are you doubting my awesomeness little bro?" I said softly, tackling him, causing him to move a few steps back.

"Boys, stop, I don't want to go back in there. Jonathan I'm sure you will do great." Dad said separating us. 


Short chapter sorry! It's kind of bland. I'm going to try to make the next one better with more detail!

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