Metropolis - Chapter 24

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Jonathan's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night with a gasp. I had a nightmare that I was in this cave in the desert with somebody that I couldn't recognize. I kept yelling for him to let me go but he just started to experiment on me.

I just decided to stop thinking about the dream and to control my breathing instead. I slowly drift back to sleep, ignoring every muscle in my body that's still on edge.

The next time I wake up it's to the sun in my face and my blaring alarm clock. I look and see that it's 7:00. I'm about to go back to sleep because it's Saturday, but I remember that today is the day that we play against Metropolis and we have to leave by 9:30.

I'm trying to avoid the awkwardness in my family by prolonging going downstairs. So, I take a shower and pack my sports bag and I get my clean uniform out of my closet. When I'm done I listen to some music on my airpods while I contemplate telling my dad everything.

He did tell Jordan that if something ever felt off to tell him. But I don't have powers, and I don't even think that's what's going on. Plus what if I'm just sick or something, and he keeps me from playing. I have to play, especially today. Today I'm gonna kick Metropolis's ass, and I'm gonna beat Alex so hard that Eliza regrets picking him over me.

When I finally come to a decision on what to do I realize it's almost 9 and I should go downstairs to eat before we have to leave. I go downstairs with my bag and I make my way to the kitchen where everybody is.

"Hey" I say, putting some breakfast onto my plate.

"Hey Jon, you're packed already," Jordan asks.

"Yup" I say before sitting down in my seat. I see mom and dad look at us with a weird look. Then I hear dad sigh and sit up straighter.

"Boys, your mother and I were thinking that maybe you guys should sit this game out." Dad says. Jordan and I just snap our heads to look at them.

"What, why? If this is about Eliza, or Alex then I'm fine I swear." I say securely. Mom just puts her hand on dad's before speaking this time.

"It's not just that honey. Yes, we're a little concerned that maybe you won't be able to keep yourself calm, but this is also about so many people being there and the stress of it all." Mom stops and dad continues.

"Jordan's powers are still new to him, and were just worried with all this pressure that it might not be the best decision." Dad says while looking at us.

"What!" Jordan says while standing up.

"Dad come on, this is our chance to show those d- bags in Metropolis that were not just some trash they can throw away. You guys know how they treated me, they made my life miserable and I finally have a way to prove myself and you guys aren't going to let me." Jordan yells.

"I agree, dad. He can handle himself, and this will be good for us, some closure. I think we both can use that right now" I say softly. Dad just looks at Jordan and I before looking at my mom. Mom just nods.

"Fine, but take care of each other on the field. I can't be there because my cars broken but I want you to make sure that you're careful and that you listen to your father." Jordan and I just nod.

"Okay well we better get going then." Dad says while starting to put all of our bags in the truck.

"Okay boys give me a hug" Jordan and I give her a hug. Then dad gives mom a kiss and says goodbye. We all get in the car.

"Bye guy's. I'll see you tomorrow tonight" She says while blowing us a kiss. We just smiled back at her before taking off to go to Metropolis. The game is tonight at 5:30, and we're checking into our hotel at 12 so I start to get comfy for the 3 hour car ride.

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