Football Game - Chapter 21

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Jonathan's POV

Today is Wednesday, and Jordan and I have a game today and Friday. I've been trying to convince dad that this game isn't important and that he shouldn't come since it would probably be boring.

The truth is I don't want him to find out Jordan is on the team. At first I definitely had mixed feelings about Jordan playing football but he is so happy and he is having a great time and he isn't getting hurt or anything so I don't really see a reason why I should say something to him.

I decided that since there are some things going on right now that I can't really put into words, or I can't tell my family, I should focus on the things I can control. So I have been running more, I've been practicing drills, and I have been pushing myself to be the best player I can possibly be.

I realized that I can't just sit around and be sorry for myself so I practice instead, and I'm trying to act happy. My thinking is that if I can trick everyone else then I can trick myself until the feeling becomes real.

Coach seems like he really likes the change. Jordan, Liam and I are some of the best players on the team.

The only thing is that lately I have been getting these weird dizzy spells though. I don't get why, I eat all the time and I'm taking care of myself, but I've just been ignoring it hoping it will go away. I'm already dressed for school and I start to go down the stairs when I bump into Jordan.

"Hey bro, are you ready for school?" I ask Jordan.

"Yup, I'm ready for today too" He says winking at me before going into the kitchen. I just chuckle at his new found confidence. I go down the stairs to see my parents drinking coffee.

"Where's breakfast?" Jordan asks, looking confused why they aren't cooking. He looks at me with a questioning look but I just shrug not knowing why either.

"Sorry boys, you are going to have to eat cereal today. Your father forgot to go to the market." She said looking at my dad with a glare. Dad just lifts his hands up in surrender.

"It's not my fault that there was a threat to the WORLD." He said it was matching my mom's attitude.

"Hey, both of you drop the attitude" I said, giving them a joking parental glare.

"You too are going to be the death of me" Jordan Points at my parents before he sighs dramatically imitating my mom. My mom gives us a disapproving look while dad is leaning over the table laughing.

His laughing causes my mom to laugh and Jordan and I cave after a few seconds so we're all laughing. Once we control ourselves Jordan and I eat before getting our bags before leaving. Our parents give us a hug before we leave. Jordan starts to walk to the bus, and I'm about too but I get stopped by my dad.

"Oh, Jonathan, I wanted to remind you that I'm going to your game today!" He says with a big grin. I looked at him shocked.

"You really don't have to do that. It's not an important game." I say trying one last time to convince him.

"Any game is important, don't worry about it. I even cleared my schedule for today's game and Friday's." He says before pushing me out the door so I'm not late. I'm dumbfounded but I start to run to catch up to Jordan on the bus.

I get to Jordan and I sit beside him while I'm panicking. He picks up on the anxiety on my face before turning off his phone and giving me his full attention.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks.

"Dad is coming to the game today." Jordan's eyes widen and you can see his face be washed over by fear just like mine.

Hiding From The Demons - Jonathan KentWhere stories live. Discover now