68 Days - Chapter 32

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"I'm sure you can Jon-El, but I don't care you're too powerful to risk losing." he said as he put the collar around my neck tightly. I didn't feel anything but as soon as he pressed a button I felt needles stab my neck pumping Kryptonite in me. Kryptonite never had an effect on me but now it did. I immediately felt it weaken me and the pain made me nauseous. Right after he put the gun between my ribs and he pulled something causing something to be wedged in my ribs. I assume it was the tracker but I was in too much pain to care. I immediately threw up all over my dirty bloody clothes, and then I felt Edge unlock the restraints and move me somewhere but I just ignored it and let the darkness consume me again. 

*No dialogue in this chapter! I wanted to clear up some of the details first, I'm sorry if you prefer dialogue!*

Jonathan's POV

It's been 68 days since Edge took me from my family. After he found out about me having telepathic abilities, he kept me chained and moved me into a different room where there was no light. Every Time I was left alone he would cover my eyes and put noise canceling headphones over my ears. He started doing it when he realized that being alone without two of my main senses gave me panic attacks, which meant my powers would glitch.

Everyday he takes me back to the room where he first started torturing me, and he forces me to manipulate the memories of an innocent man that he kidnapped. For weeks I refused, despite him taking away any food and water that I was getting before. It wasn't until he brought up camera footage of the man's family and threatened to kill them if I didn't do it. The man begged me over and over again to just do it, with tears in my eyes I started to manipulate his memories. I had become a slave to Edge.

I had done everything he asked of me, and no matter how well I obeyed him the day would always end with him pumping a new type of synthesized kryptonite into me, along with adding more scars onto my body. He had used his fathers models to create a version of kryptonite that could only hurt me after realizing that I was becoming immune to kryptonite the more I was exposed to it. I had even felt strong enough to try to escape one night which only led me to more pain.

I remember that night like it was yesterday. He had been working in the lab when I was able to break out of my chains. I had gotten to the last door, before I collapsed on the ground from a burning sensation throughout my whole body. I don't know what he did but I remember being dragged to the white room where he took knives of all different sizes and stabbed me everywhere. My legs, arms, stomach, anywhere that previously been unmarked I now had scars littered everywhere. He waited until my body started to heal around the medal before twisting them or breaking them off, only to later cut into my skin to remove the pieces.

That was the day that I had stopped screaming.

I was completely unable to scream or talk, yell, plead, beg. Edge said I had damaged my vocal cords to the point of no return. This also meant that I couldn't eat or drink things anymore without almost choking or it going straight into my lungs. Edge had tried to ignore it but after passing out of malnourishment he started to give a bag of liquid formula through an IV.

I prayed and begged everyday for my dad to come save me but he never did. I lost all hope of ever being found and I started to pray that I would go to sleep and never wake up, sadly none of my prayers ever came true and now i'm forced to live in this hell whole everyday. The only good thing about everything was that my family was safe.


Clark Kent

It had been over 2 months since Jonathan was taken. I had been looking for him every single day but he was gone. I couldn't find one trace of him still being on this planet, but I wouldn't give up, not until he was safe and at home. Lois spent her days crying, or working on leads to try to get him back. The DOD was trying to find him but there hadn't been any luck yet.

Jordan was broken without Jonathan. He had started to get anxiety attacks again, as well as being in a depressed state, but I couldn't blame him. He blamed himself everyday for not being strong enough to stop Edge.

I was going to find my son. I had to, and when I see the bastard that did it I'm going to kill him.


Morgan Edge

As I look at my 'brother' and I see him writhe in anger at the absence of his son an idea comes into my head. I quickly leave the scene and go back to my nephew.

I open the door that my nephew is behind. Allowing the small amount of light from the hallway illuminates the dark room. Ripping the blindfold, and ear plugs off of him startling him, I look at him with a smirk on my face.

"How would you like to go back home?" I ask, causing him to whimper.


 I would first like to apologize for my lack of updating but I am done with my extra curricular activities for the rest of the school year allowing me to have more time for the story.

I am aware of the extremely short chapter but my writing has gotten rusty and I forgot how much time it takes to write a chapter.

I will release another chapter soon, please comment and vote and give me feedback if you like the way the story is coming together, or if you think something else should happen. 

I appreciate all oy you guys! Remember you are so loved </3

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