Hospital - Chapter 26

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Jonathan's POV

I was sitting down leaning my head on Liam for support. I was in so much pain that I couldn't catch my breath. I tried not to make too much noise but I had non stop tears falling from my eyes. I couldn't see that well but I heard Liam tell Jordan to call dad.

I tried to sit up straighter because the pain was making me fidgety. I wanted to pace around or something but I also felt like I could pass out from the pain. Trying to sit up straighter only made things worse though and I just whimpered in pain and I just sobbed quietly.

Liam just helped me sit up and he leaned in front of me. He slowly started to move my hand from cradling the injured one.

"Hey, shh. I know, I know it hurts but please let me see it." He said while pulling my injured arm towards him by gripping my forearm. I used my other hand to wipe my tears and I took a deep breath and I tried to control my breathing. I looked away and Liam took it as his cue to look at it.

I hadn't even looked at it yet, so when I heard him curse I knew it must be bad. I got curious and I looked too. It looked weird, it was starting to swell and it was purple. My hand was also in a weird position.

Looking at it just caused me to whimper. Liam looked at me with sympathy and sat next to me again. He slowly helped me lay down and put my head on his lap. I just continued to grip my hand tightly to my chest.

Jordan came back and he told Liam that my dad was on his way but he was going to take a few minutes since he had to bring the car. Liam just nodded.

"Jordan, can you tell the doctor that I'm pretty sure his hand is broken and if there's any way they can see him sooner?" He asked in a calming voice. Jordan just nodded and he walked away. I turned back and continued to look at the ceiling while sniffing. It felt like my hand was moving, or if my bones were rebreaking and shifting. I just continued to whimper but I was cut off by Liam combing his hand through my curls and him saying soothing words.

"It's ok Jon, eveything's going to be okay. I promise, I will do anything for you and Jordan, you know that right?" He asks me while wiping some of the sweat from my forehead. I just nodded and continued to wipe my constant tears.

I had broken my hand before when I was younger but this didn't feel like this. This felt so much worse. It felt like every bone in my hand was broken. I feel like if a feather were to fall on my hand then my hand would break more. I almost feel my bones moving.

Jordan comes back in and I can see that he's avoiding getting near me. He just sits next to Liam and, Liam just puts his shoulder over Jordan while continuing to run his hands through my hair.

I'm glad Liam's is here to at least calm Jordan down because if it were just Jordan and I, I would have said something I didn't mean by now.

I mean I was so pissed, I'm always trying to protect Jordan and I always end up worse off than I was before. Ever since we moved here I've been as supportive as I can but sometimes I feel like he only ever thinks about himself. I mean he could have killed Alex today. All it takes is for one hit, with the amount of force that he hit my hand with and he can kill someone. I was angry that he didn't think about the consequences if he had punched him. He could have thrown his whole future away.

My hand started to feel the slightest bit better but I was still in so much pain I was squirming in the hospital chairs. I just want my dad. I think to myself while sniffling and wiping more of my tears.

Luckily I don't have to wait long because a panicked dad comes into the waiting room and his head starts to scan the room. When he sees us he runs to us and leans in front of me. I just turn my head towards my dad since I'm still laying on Liam's lap.

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