The Dreaded Conversation - Chapter 11

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Jonathan's POV

After we had gotten to the kitchen we stopped bickering so we wouldn't get in trouble.

"Hey how did you guys sleep?" Mom asked.

"Good" I replied, sitting down at the table.

" I was sleeping well until Jon woke me up," Jordan said with a bitter tone.

"Oh get over it sleeping beauty" I said sticking my tongue out.

"How do you feel Jonathan?" Dad asked. My ribs felt somewhat better but I knew I had to be honest instead of sugar coating it or else he will think I'm lying and he will keep an eye on me.

Which is NOT the goal whatsoever because after yesterday I raised too many red flags, and if I don't get it under control he is going to want to talk to me about how i'm feeling and I can't handle that right now.

"Ehh, my ribs feel better, the pain is not as strong, it's more of a constant ache. I'm still coughing up blood though, but I don't think it's anything I can't manage." I said which is 100% true. My dad just nodded.

"That's good your black eye looks better too. The swelling went down." My mom mentioned it, and dad agreed.

"Anyways I'm starving, is the food done yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, come get a plate" Our parents said to us.

After we got food and ate, my parents told us to go into the living room to talk. Me and Jordan sat on the couch and my parents sat down on these two separate chairs that were across from the couch.

"Okay, let's start with Jordan. Have you had any signs that you had powers before the barn incident?" Dad asked.

"No, not before the pipes fell on Jon and I." He said. I was just listening intently.

"Okay, what powers have you noticed so far?" Mom asked this time. Before he could say anything I interrupted by coughing up blood. Dad just used his superspeed and got me a towel. I looked at him thankfully. I motioned for Jordan to continue.

" I noticed I could move faster. It's how I protected Jon after he jumped on me, I flipped us over so that I could get most of the impact. That was it until yesterday when my eyes shot lasers." He said.

"Okay we will talk more about your powers when it's just the two of us, '' Dad said to Jordan. I tried to not get jealous at that comment because I know this will be a good chance for Jordan and Dad to hang out more.

"What do you guys think of your father being Superman? We really didn't have time to talk about that." Mom said giving us time to gather our thoughts.

"I was angry that you hid it from me and Jon for so long. It felt like our whole life was this complete lie, but I understand that you guys did what you thought was best. I'm also really sorry for how I acted yesterday" Jordan said, looking sincere. Dad just nodded with a smile.

"What about you honey?" Mom said, looking at me. I wasn't sure how I felt.

Betrayed, understanding, I'm not really sure. I get why they kept it a secret, but we would have understood, and I think that if they were to have told us before so many issues could have been avoided.

However, I know there is no point in dwelling on the past. It's not gonna change anything except make them feel worse.

"I think it's cool, I'll admit I was a little mad that you waited so long to tell us but I get it you were trying to protect us." I said with a smile.

My parents' face immediately turned into one of relief when they realized that we were both understanding of the circumstances.

"Okay, that's good to know. Moving on, what were you guys thinking! Leaving without telling us. Did you know how worried your father and I were, when it was 10:30 and you guys were still not home, and without a phone call or a text!" Mom practically yelled. All the fear from yesterday reappearing.

"Your mothers right. I understand that you guys were angry and needed some time alone. That's fine, but it would have been nice of you guys to come at curfew, or at the very least a text to know you guys were safe. Your mother and I didn't even know where you were. What if there would have been an emergency and we couldn't get you. I need you guys to think about the consequences and risks of your actions before you do them! I also need you guys to try to not let your emotions impact your decisions." Dad said strictly.

How did we end up the ones that were in trouble? I liked it better when we were mad at them. I thought to myself.

"Yes sir." Jordan and I said at the same time.

"Now for breaking curfew you guys are grounded for a week." I was about to say something but was interrupted.

"I wouldn't argue, unless you want us to take your electronics." Dad said threateningly while giving me a dad look. I decided to just shut my mouth.

"Good, now what happened last night?" Mom asked. I looked at Jordan, I didn't know what he wanted me to say and what he didn't.

"Jordan, how about you start." I said, pushing his shoulder.

"Uhh, well when we got there I went to hangout with Sarah and we were just talking when her boyfriend got jealous and pushed me to the ground." Jordan finished looking at me waiting for me to continue. Okay, so not talking about the kiss. I thought to myself.

"I went to get a soda and I was just thinking about our argument and then I saw this guy and his friends messing with Jordan so I ran over there and pushed him. I tried to get Jordan to leave but his friends didn't let us. I pushed him again though because he wasn't going to stop coming for Jordan. So, I did what any older brother would do and I started to punch him repeatedly..." My parents gave me two very different looks. My mom giving me a death glare for using violence, and my dad giving me a proud look for standing up for Jordan.

I also skipped over having a few drinks at the bonfire, luckily it wasn't enough for my dad to smell it on me yesterday though.

"Anyways, I got up and tried to help Jordan since one of the guy's friends was messing with him but before I could get away 3 guys started to kick me so we ended up on the floor getting our asses beat." I finished my side of the story but I got a warning from my dad about swearing.

"Sorry" I said sheepishly.

"Okay, but how did Jordan use his powers.

"Oh, well Jon was getting kicked by these three guys and he was coughing up blood and was in a lot of pain and they wouldn't stop beating him up. I got really mad and my eyes felt really hot, and then all of a sudden there was an explosion, so everybody got scared and got away. Well everyone was freaking out. Jon made his way to me and we leaned on this log waiting for the firefighters to come." Jordan said trying his best to deescalate the situation.

We looked to see our parents speechless. Me and Jordan thought they glitched or something but then dad covered his face with his hand and groaned.

"What are we going to do with you boys" Dad said even though it sounded muffled. We just smiled at him innocently.

"Okay, it was a learning experience yesterday so we aren't going to add any other punishments, but if you guys EVER do anything this reckless again you guys will regret it. Do you understand me?" Mom said. We both just nodded.

"There is one last thing your mother and I wanted to talk to you about. We were thinking about maybe staying in Smallville longer than we expected."

"Like a few more days?" Jordan asked, confused.

"No more like permanently. I know it's a lot of information and it would be a huge change so I want you guys to take the rest of the day and think about it. We're going to talk about it at dinner." Me and Jordan nodded before going outside so that we could talk.


I hope you liked it! leave any suggestions please :)

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