Where it all Begins - Chapter 2

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Jonathan's POV

I have always had a good relationship with my parents. I've always looked up to my dad and I want nothing more than for him to be proud of me but he was busy with work a lot and I tried to fill the role that he played when he wasn't home. My mom is so independent and she's so strong I hope I can be like that when I'm older.

My parents have always been kind of busy but so was I with practice so I guess it always worked out since we always had similar schedules. My dad and I have always been pretty close growing up, we would always play football, or he would tell me stories.

 We usually hung out a lot during his free time since Jordan has always liked to be closer to my mom since his anxiety was always better when he was around rather than when he was with me or my dad. We always invited him since we liked to hangout with him, but we never pushed him to do anything. It did suck that my Dad would sometimes bail on our plans and mom never did but I knew he was busy with "work".

But enough with that lets talk about where everything went south. My family and I are in Smallville after my Grandma died. During the wake, me, Jordan, and a girl we hung out with a few years ago named Sarah went to the barn to reset the router.

 Jordan decided to show off to Sarah and climbed to the top of the barn where the router was mounted on a beam. Jordan fell and accidentally kicked these medal tubes so they were falling on him. I threw myself over Jordan to try to absorb some of the hits. And that's where the story starts.


Sarah's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. A bunch of metal polls fell on the boys. I got up and ran out of the barn screaming for help.

"HELP, THE BOYS ARE HURT!" I screamed as I saw Mr. Kent ran into the barn.


Clark Kent's POV

I was talking to Lois, when I heard a crash coming from the barn and I started running to the sound. When I was running into the barn I saw Sarah running and screaming that the boys were hurt. When I got Inside I used my x-ray vision and saw the boys under the poles. I started to move some of the metal off the boys.

"It was his Idea" Jonathan said. I let a breath of air out relieved that they were okay.

"Shut up," Jordan replied.

Lois came into the barn and when she heard the arguing you could see some of the worry wash off her face.

I finished taking off the poles of the boys and we called the Fire station so that they could send somebody to check on the boys. After the incident people started to leave so they could give us some privacy.

Once they checked over the boys they said they were lucky and they just had a concussion.

I thanked them and showed them out the door.

When I got back to the living room I could see that the boys looked tired and really confused.

"Come on boys it's been a long day you guys should go rest." They slowly got up and went up the stairs.

Lois was looking at me and I knew we were going to have a long conversation.


Jordan's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about how we should be dead right now.

"Jon, how are we okay" I asked him, he just shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter, we're okay" " Coach says I might not start this year since I missed a week of practice" Jon said.

"We almost died and that's what you're worried about, do you not understand how freaky that is." I snapped.

"Yes that's what I'm worried about. If you want to focus on something that is weird then focus on the fact that Sarah gave you her number and not me." Jon said snarkily.

" Yah because the weirdest thing that happened today was that I got a girls number" Jon dismissed him.

"Did you text her yet ?" Jonathan asked as he looked up from his phone.

"Yah. I sent her a thumbs up emoji." Jordan blushed.

"You're really pathetic sometimes." Jon chuckled, throwing a pillow at his twin.

"Oh yah" he said throwing the pillow harder at his brother"

"Okay, okay stop my head hurts" Jon said surrendering, Jonathan went to his room and said goodnight to his brother.

"Goodnight" Jordan said as he got ready to sleep too, thinking about how they were okay. He knew there was something weird going on and He was gonna figure out what it was. 


Its a short chapter I know but I'm planning on writing again tonight.

I hope you guys like this chapter! Please give me any feedback or suggestions to make the story better :)

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