Hurt - Chapter 5

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Clark's POV

After the argument I was going to follow the boys, but Lois stopped me.

"They need time, Clark. They just found out their whole life has been circled around all these lies. They just need some time alone." I sighed knowing she was right. We both went inside and sat down in the kitchen.

"What I'm I supposed to do now? You saw how upset the boys were. All this just blew up in my face." Lois looked at me with sympathy.

"We do what we've always done. We try to make the best decisions we can and we do everything we can to protect the boys."

"I just feel like I failed them, I mean what if Jordan and your dad are right. What if I'm just a bad father?" Her face got serious.

"Look at me. You are a great father. You can't take what Jordan said to heart. He said something in the heat of the moment to hurt you because he was angry. You know he loves you but there teenagers they don't always think before they say things."

I looked at her with so much love. I don't know where I would be without her. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Lois's dad pushing the distress button.

"It's you dad" I raced off before she could even say anything. The night after my mom's funeral he mentioned there being a lead on the person that has been trying to destroy the nuclear power plants. He also told me that whoever this person is has been studying me.


Jonathan's POV

When me and Jordan got to the bonfire Sarah immediately went up to Jordan leaving a small group of people. She pulled Jordan away from me to go sit down at this log. He looked at me and I just gave him a small wink of encouragement.

While he went to talk to her I went to a table full of drinks and I got a red cup and filled it with beer. I knew I shouldn't drink too much knowing I would get chewed up by my dad if he found out. I however couldn't bring myself to care, as soon as I saw Jordan was having fun and taken care of I let my smile fall off my face and just leaned at the table trying to get my head to slow down.

Lately It felt like I could never truly breathe. I could go from happy, to numb so fast it gave me whiplash. I felt exhausted, it was like I was putting up an act to be happy. It wasn't like I was never happy, but lately it just felt more like I had to be happy to balance out with everybody else's emotions.

I was so lost in my head and I kept drinking until I saw Jordan kiss Sarah. I suddenly felt pride from my little brother, until I saw a bunch of guys walk over to them and see Sarah talking to Jordan like she was worried?

I subconsciously started walking to him knowing he didn't like to be around too many people. I saw some tall dude punch him and he fell to the floor. Oh, she was already taken. Shit. I ran in front of Jordan and pushed the guy before he could touch him again.

"Back off!" I yelled as the guy fell. His friends went and helped him get up.

"What the hell happened" I said, rushing towards Jordan and helping get up so we could leave.

The guy came near us trying to get to Jordan and I pushed him again hoping he would leave us alone but knowing he wouldn't.

"Hey, back off you really don't want to get in my face right now!" I said practically seething not because I was that angry at him. I mean I get it, some guy you don't know just kissed you girl. If somebody did that to Eliza I would be pissed too. I was just angry at everything and all I was seeing was red. Plus it would be a good excuse to punch something.

He tried to punch me, but I was too fast and I tackled him, causing us both to fall on the floor. I started hitting him over and over again, before one of his friends pushed me off of him. Another one of his friends went to help him up while the guy that tackled me started kicking me.

I was trying to fight back and managed to trip the guy that was kicking me away. I started to walk to Jordan seeing as he was getting beat by another one. God, how many friends did this guy have?

My thoughts were cut off as all three of the guys started to come near me and punch me. I hit the ground hard, and they all started kicking me. It was a mess me and Jordan were both getting our asses handed to us, but to be fair I mean it wasn't even a fair fight to begin with. I was groaning and in a lot of pain, my face hurt and I knew I for sure had a black eye, my ribs ached badly, and I started coughing up blood.

I just groaned more knowing that it wasn't a really great sign. I started to get dizzy when I saw Jordan getting angry, like really angry. I looked at him trying to get my eyes to focus when suddenly there was this weird blast of light. I couldn't really tell what happened well since my vision was foggy but I knew that it had to do with Jordan and his powers.

The guys that were beating us up fell down at the impact and everybody started to squirm around trying to get away. I layed down for a few seconds waiting for my vision to clear and trying to catch my breath. When I finally could see I got up spitting some blood on the dirt and I went over to Jordan.

When I saw him he looked so young, his eyes were red and he looked like he had seen a ghost. He was leaning on the log where he and Sarah were sitting earlier. I sat down with him and he leaned his head on my chest and silently cried. I sighed knowing he was probably terrified. I put my hand in his hair trying to calm him down and also trying to cover his eyes so that nobody could see the red around his eyes or that he was crying. We both sat there waiting for the fire department to come with all the other kids that were silently freaking out knowing that they were probably in a lot of trouble.


I hope you guys really like this chapter this has to be one of my favorites so far. This book Is going to start to pick up after the next chapter. 

ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50 READS!!!! I checked it a few hours ago to see 50 viewers and I was so happy and amazed that people are reading! Thank you guys so much :)

Also please comment! I would love to hear feedback and any suggestions. I haven't gotten any yet and I don't know if you guys like it or if there's changes you would like to see. 

I'm going to update again tomorrow! Remember you guys are loved so much!! </3

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