Struggling - Chapter 35

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"Jonathan I know you don't want me to see your injuries but after we eat, will you please let me take you to the clinic to make sure you're okay. You know we would never judge you for anything, If you have scars you don't have to be ashamed of them. I can't imagine what you've gone through and those scars are just proof of everything you've overcome. But I know that they probably feel like reminders of what happened so If you need time you can take all the time you need, but you have to let the doctor look at it." He said in a comforting, but stern voice. I knew he was right, my side was in pain and I knew my thigh would probably get infected soon, and although I had enhanced healing it wasn't anything near as fast as Dad or Jordan. It would still take me about 2 weeks for it to close up.

I just sigh and look at him defeatedly before nodding at him.


Jonathan's POV

I'm sitting at the table waiting for my mom to finish lunch. I'm pretty anxious, I haven't had real food in so long. I think my dad and Jordan noticed because my dad put his hand on my shoulder and I take a deep breath.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jordan asks softly. I contemplate saying I'm fine but why prolong it. I should just be honest, I owe it to them to be as transparent as I can. It's the only way I'll ever be okay again. I have a support system, but I have to make the first step.

"I haven't actually eaten real food in months." I say weakly while looking at both of them. Everything stops, and I don't know if it's because of my voice or because of what I said. I see my dad look behind me at my mom in concern.

"What do you mean Jon?" He says. I just clear my throat sitting up.

"Uh- I didn't eat much when I was... gone? A few weeks after being there-" I say before I have to take a breath and close my eyes. I ignore the flashbacks that flood my mind, I'm pulled back by Jordan coming by to sit next to me wrapping an arm over my shoulders. I appreciate the gesture desperately.

"Take all the time you need," he whispers into my ear.

"After a while of being there... I had damaged my vocal cords badly and it had some side effects. I couldn't swallow drinks or food without it going into my lungs, so 'he' set up an IV for food and water. It also permanently changed my voice." I say not trying to give any details, but by the way their shoulders fell I knew they could imagine how I damaged it. I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath when I had finished explaining.

"Jonathan, thank you for telling us. I'm sure that it wasn't easy to do. Do you want us to make you something soft, like soup?" Mom says coming up to me. I just shake my head.

"I healed weeks ago. 'He' made some type of liquid that could cure me. He used it on me everyday. It's why I'm not malnourished, even though I haven't eaten real food in months." I say quietly while looking down.

"Is that why you're nervous, are you scared to eat?" My dad asks softly while pushing my curls out of my face. I just nod.

"You don't have to be nervous. Everything will be okay, and If something does happen we will come up with a plan together." He said.

I just smile at him and nod. Mom brought us some sandwiches and plates. She also puts juice and water out. Once she's done she comes and sits at the table with us. We sit in awkward silence. I know they didn't know how to act around me anymore, but they were trying and so was I. Talking to them and eating a meal with them as if nothing has happened felt weird. I kind of wanted to talk about everything and explain it all, but at the same time all I want to do is pretend like nothing ever happened.

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