Figuring it out - Chapter 3

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Clark's POV

" We have to tell the boys that your superman. You saw how confused they were! " Lois said.

"They aren't ready. If we told them it would change everything! They deserve to have a normal life. It will not only endanger them, but what if they slip up and tell somebody my secret. Everything we would have done to protect them is useless if that happens." I stressed.

"The boys should know, there getting older and you know that if they didn't have powers they wouldn't just have a concussion right now." Lois stated.

"Okay, but what if Jonathan has powers and Jordan doesn't. That would kill him, he already feels like an alien this would just make everything so much worse." I sighed.

"It's getting late, we can talk about this later. Let's get to bed." Lois and I made our way upstairs.


Jonathan's POV

I woke up the next morning with my head feeling a lot better. It was weird to me that Jordan seemed fine yesterday even though he fell first before the medal even fell on him. I shrugged it off and went downstairs to see my family getting breakfast ready.

"Good Morning" I greeted.

" Hey Jon," Jordan muttered while eating his pancakes.

"Are you feeling better?" Mom and Dad asked.

"Yah a lot better" then I went to sit next to Jordan as Dad gave me a plate of food.

"That's good honey. I'm glad you guys are both okay. Today your dad and I are going to go to the bank and speak about the property. So I want you guys to take it easy and we'll be home later tonight." Mom said while stuffing a bunch of papers in her bag.

"And no fighting. I don't want a phone call saying you guys cracked your head open." he looked at us threateningly.

"Come on it was one time" I said, groaning. Jordan just chuckled and hit me in the back of my head lightly. I looked at him and grinned when I saw that he was smiling.

Our parents ignored us and began to leave, but not without forcing us to give them a hug. I pretended I was cringing but I was actually really happy to see my family together at one place at the same time.


Jordan's POV

After my parents left I asked Jordan if he wanted to go checkout the barn. I told him there was something weird going on.

"No, Jordan this is like a vacation. We haven't had this much time to just do whatever we want in a long time. We should try to enjoy ourselves, not go on a scavenger hunt." God Jonathan could be so lazy.

"Fine, I'll go by myself" I said, turning out the door and began walking to the barn.


Jonathans POV

Jordan would not let this go. I would be lying If I said I wasn't a little interested in what was going on, but I had this feeling that whatever we were gonna find wouldn't be good. I just wanted to enjoy a slower pace and I've been so tired recently I just want to sleep all day. When Jordan started to walk away I just groaned knowing I didn't want him going alone.

"Ugh I really hate you right now" I said running to Jordan. Jordan just grinned like an idiot.

"I knew you wouldn't let me go alone" I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"What are we even looking for?" I said looking around.

"Anything that looks weird"

I tripped on this weird bump on the floor, causing Jordan to look at the floor. We started moving the dirt that was on the ground to see a latch. We looked up at each other before I saw a crowbar with a bunch of other tools. I picked it up and told Jordan to move. When I broke it he lifted the door and started to walk down the stairs.

"It's probably just grandpa's tools" I said trying to loosen the tension.

" Hey whats that?" Jordan said. I looked at his direction to see this tarp covering this weird oval looking thing.

"I don't know." We both got a corner and we pulled it off to see this weird space ship thing. Then it started doing this weird thing, like the surface was moving.

"Woah" We both said.

Jordan went to touch it.

"What the hell. Jordan, don't touch that thing." He completely dismissed me, and touched it only for it to open and show a bunch of these jewels. Jordan picked one up and we looked at each other in complete shock.


A really short chapter. I know again :/ But don't worry I hope to release another one tonight. It's just writing dialogue feels like you write a lot more than you actually do.

I hope you guys like it! Please comment and give me suggestions. I'd love to hear your guy's is feedback. 

I hope you guys have an amazing day </3

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