Break Up - Chapter 19

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Jonathan's POV

I've been going to school for the last couple of weeks, and finally my dad is letting Jordan come to school. He has been really excited and he says he wants to reinvent himself here. I don't really know what that means but he seems happy about it so I don't bother to ask.

Tomorrow is Monday and his first day. Right now Jordan is packing his bag and getting all the things he needs. I'm taking this time to talk to my parents about how we're going to get home from school now.

"Hey mom, dad. Are you guys busy?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. They were doing dishes and mom was putting our dinner away.

"Sure honey. What's up?" My mom asked.

" I was just wondering how Jordan and I are going to get home now, since I'm guessing he's not going to want to run home with me." I said.

"Well I'll just pick you guys up," Dad said. I just nodded.

I'll just start running afterschool again, I thought to myself. I left the kitchen to go back to my room.

I had been trying to talk to Eliza lately but she had been ignoring me so I was going to call her right now. When we first moved out here we had planned a weekend where she could come visit. My parents know about it and so do hers. It's supposed to be this weekend coming up but I have a feeling she isn't going to come. I've been working up the nerve to call her. For the first time in a long time she answers.

"Hello," Eliza said. God I missed hearing her voice I thought to myself.

"Uhh, Hey Eliza we need to talk." I responded.

"Jonathan?" She asked.

"Yeah, Eliza, what's going on? You keep ignoring me and we haven't talked in more than a month. I want to know what's going on." I said. All my previous nervousness vanishing and instead being replaced with anger and sadness.

"Well. I don't think this is working. You moved to the middle of nowhere and you expect me to just wait for you forever?" She said matching my tone.

"Oh, so now I'm the bad boyfriend? I have been calling and texting you for weeks and you ignore me. I'm sorry that I pulled this out on you but it hasn't been a walk in the park for me either. I have always been there for you. Through everything, through your parents divorce, all the fake friends, all the drama. The one time I need you, you completely ignore me." I said ranting.

"You're not here! I don't have anybody to talk to, to go out with, I need more than what you give me. I've always needed more than you." She whispered the last part, but I still heard it. I could not believe that she said that.

"That is not my fault you never talked about any of these things to me! Instead you push me away" I whisper-yell into the phone to make sure nobody hears my conversation.

"Yeah well now we don't have to ever talk again! I cheated on you with Alex from the football team." She said with no hint of sorrow or remorse. I closed my eyes as she continued to ramble about what she did with him, and how much better she thought he was compared to me. I couldn't handle it anymore.

"We're done. Don't ever call or text me." I said in an unfamiliar tone before hanging up. There was no anger or sadness behind it, it was just numbness. Numbness, when you feel so much you feel nothing.

Tomorrow I'll probably feel betrayal or sadness, or something, at not only losing the first person I have ever loved other than my family, but my best friend too.

I have known her since the fourth grade and we have been friends forever. We used to be a lot closer a few years ago, but in middle school we grew apart. We only dated in 8th grade because we were the two most popular kids in the school, and plus I knew her.

I had known a part of her that nobody else did. It made us vulnerable to one another and it was nice to have someone to talk two. I should have known that she would do something like this. I mean the signs have been there even before we moved, but I just didn't want to see them because I didn't want to lose her.

I was on my bed staring at my door with my phone in my hand. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew one thing. That under no circumstances could my family find out. I was brought out of my thoughts by my dad knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled. He walked in smiling at me.

"Hey kid, I just wanted to say goodnight." Hey said.

"Goodnight" I said to him with a smile.

"You okay? Why are you just sitting staring at the door" He asked, laughing.

"Oh I was studying the plays but I must have zoned out trying to visualize them." He just looked at me oddly.

"You have always seen things differently than everybody else." He said ruffling my head before leaving my room.

I can't sort anything out tonight so I just went to bed. Trying to mentally prepare for tomorrow.


Sorry Short Chapter! 

I tried to post this on Saturday but I guess It didn't publish! 

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