Bad Day - Chapter 20

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Jonathan's POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Since I broke the last one, my dad bought another one that's even more annoying just to peve me. I was about to lay back down but dad bursted into my room.

"Nope. None of that." He said lifting me up off of my bed and putting me on my feet.

"Get ready for school. It's your brother's first day, make sure to keep an eye out on him for me please." He said while pointing at me before leaving and closing the door. I just laughed, staring at where he stood a second ago trying to understand how someone could be that energetic at 6:30 in the morning.

My happy expression left as soon as I remembered what happened last night. Groaning, I just got up and started to get ready. Once I was done I went downstairs to see my parents making breakfast and Jordan sitting at the table anxiously.

"Hey" I said, bringing everyone out of their thoughts.

"Hey honey, do you want one or two pancakes?" My mom asked.

"I'll just take one thanks mom" Dad looked at me weirdly.

"Well that's the first you usually eat like four. Are you feeling okay?" He said jokingly.

"Hahaha." I said sarcastically. I ignored him laughing at me and sat next to Jordan.

"Everything's going to be fine. I checked your schedule online and you have all the same classes I do." I said to Jordan whispering so that my parents wouldn't hear.

You could see Jordan immediately calm down after hearing that. I wasn't sure how we got the same classes, I thought it was strange but I decided not to comment on it.

I started to make small talk with Jordan until breakfast was done. He had started to ramble about Sarah and how he really liked her. I wasn't really paying too much attention since I got caught up thinking about Eliza.

I could hear my mom talking about Morgan Edge and saying that she has a bad feeling that something is going to happen soon, to my dad. My dad tried to ease some of her worries. None of his words really gave her much peace of mind though. Once the food was done we all sat down and started to eat.

" How is Eliza, Jon? You haven't talked about her too much." My mom asked. I was caught off guard a little since I hadn't really thought about what I was going to tell them.

Should I tell them the truth, and be pitied?

Or should I just stall for a little, just until things calm down a little?

"She's good. She got a new fish, nothing really interesting though. We're both kind of busy with school and stuff so we don't call as much as we used to." I said. My mom Just nodded happily. My mom really liked Eliza and she knew how close we were as kids.

"You should invite her to the harvest fest on Friday!" Dad said before taking another bite of his pancake. He could not stop talking about this festival.

"I'm sure she's busy and it's kind of late notice." I said putting my dish away.

"Are you ready to go to Jordan?" I asked wanting nothing more than to just get on the bus and stop talking about Eliza. He nodded.

After Jordan was ready, we got on the bus to go to school. My parents decided that we would take the bus to school and my dad would pick us up when school ended.

"I'm going to go to football today so If you want you can sit on the bleachers and wait if you want." I told Jordan. He just shrugged.

"Uh I'm not sure but I'll keep that in mind." He said. I just stared at him.

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