Online for the first time

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Emerson, Fiore, John, Seraphina, Blyke, Remi, Isen and Arlo joined the chat.

Emerson: I already regret this.

Seraphina has changed her username to Sera

Sera: This will be, intresting.

John: @$%#&

Blyke: Dude are you OK?


Remi: Is everything OK?

Sera: John is still using his XP laptop. That's probably why.

Emerson: I thought you got a new one John?

Sera: He returned it. He said it was to simple.

Isen: Computers are simple?

Emerson: Well I know the fix.

Emerson has left the chat.

Fiore: Oh no.

Blyke: OK, Fiore what is going on?

Fiore: IDK, that's why I said Oh No.

Emerson has rejoined the chat.

Emerson: OK I'm back.

John: Heyyy it works now!

Sera: What did you do?

Emerson: I did some api changes to his chat program.

Blyke: Wha?

Fiore: Nerd.

Arlo: BLECH!!

John: Arlo are u OK?

Remi: Is John being nice to Arlo? :)

John: I mean, Asslo fuck you.

Remi: :(

Arlo: I just drank something bad.

Sera: What was bad?

Arlo: I drank OJ.

Blyke: From what brand?

Arlo: It was homemade, Elaine made it.

Sera: Oh god, her OJ is just orange paint with orange scented soap.

Emerson: Oh god. Is that what that stuff is? No wonder it smells weird.

Blyke: What do you mean it smells?

Emerson: Elaine gave me a gallon of it. In a paint can, which I thought was strange.

Sera: I hear John sobbing.

Emerson: Oh shit! What can I do to help?

Sera: Nothing, he's having his daily PTSD. Happens everyday.

Fiore: Maybe we should get him consulting.

Sera: I tried, several times.

Blyke: Several?

Sera: Actually more like 12.

Isen: Damn.

Emerson: You know, they way Isen looks I thought he was the smartest person at Wellston.

Sera: You were dead wrong. Also why didn't I look like the smartest?

Emerson: Uh, because you look like a "enjoy life" girl?

Fiore: You are completely inaccurate.

Arlo: *sip*

John: You don't have to chat your sips Asslo.

John has changed Arlo to Asslo.

Blyke: Who gave John moderator?

Sera: I did you rip off Popsicle.

Remi: How about we talk about happy stuff?

John has muted Remi.

John: Shut up you carebear fan.

Isen: 5 Minutes in and we already have tension.

John has muted Isen.

Blyke: Dude stop silencing everyone.

John has muted Blyke.

Asslo: *sip*

John has muted Asslo.

Fiore: John, stop fucking mutting everyone you asshole!

John has muted Fiore.

John: Thanks for the compliment! :)

Emerson: That was a compliment too you?

John has muted Emerson.

John: STFU you nerd.

Sera: But he was the one that made your chat program work.

John has muted Sera.

John: I'm the last one standing! :)

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