Happy Fucking Birthday Arlo

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Arlo: Do you know what today is?

John: I know I have a hangover.

Sera: Oh my god....

Isen: Nope.


Arlo: Its my Birthday today.

Emerson: Happy Birthday!

John: That's not how you do it. It goes like this-

Remi: What?


Arlo: 😱

Blyke: John just shut up and wish him a happy birthday.

John: Nope, I will not.

Arlo: Would you like an ass beating?

John: Nah, I'd prefer not to.

Elaine: I got you a cake Arlo!

Arlo: That's a fat fucking cake.

Arlo: That's a fat fucking cake

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Elaine: I hope you like it.

Remi: Aww that's nice Elaine.

Arlo: oooggghhh I caught diabetes.

Sera: You don't catch diabetes you idiot.

Arlo: I just ate all of it.

Elaine: Already?!

Arlo: Now I'm depressed.

Isen: Would porn cheer you up?

Arlo: No.

Fiore: How about we take Arlo and the others to a restaurant!

John: How about nah.

Sera: How about great idea! And fuck you John.

John: Fuck you Sera.

Arlo: Thanks you guys.

Blyke: Buttta Where?

Isen: Butt.

Sera: We are going to Mexican for his birthday. Mostly just so we can embarrass him with the sombrero.

Remi: Its settled.

Sera: Everyone get their asses there in 30 minutes!

Arlo: So mean....

- At the Restaurant

Blyke: Guys where are you?

Emerson: How about CALL instead of chatting?

Blyke: I don't have most of ya'll's numbers.

Blyke: Where are you?

Blyke: Where are you?

Blyke: Where are you?

Blyke: Where are you?

Blyke: Where are you?

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