John lost his balls

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Fiore: So how was your day?

Remi: Great!

Arlo: Booooooring.

John: I'm crying myself to sleep.

Blyke: Um why?

Sera: He's being dramatic.

John: I hate you Sera. I lost my manhood because of you.

Sera: He's mad because I drained his balls again.

Emerson: That's impossible. They constantly create sperm.

Sera: That's what I tried to tell him!

John: *crys himself to sleep"

Arlo: You shouldn't be crying for something like this tho.

John: b-but....

Sera: He decided to amputate his nutsack off.


Remi: Ew! Don't throw up in my lap!

Blyke: Sorry.

Emerson: John, you did not have to do that.

John: But, they were too exhausted...

Isen: I watch porn for most of my day and I don't amputate my nutsack.

Fiore: I wOnDeR wHy IsEn HaS nO gIrLfRiEnD.

John: The worst part was.... Sera ate them.


Fiore: YOU WHAT?!

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Fiore: YOU WHAT?!

Sera: What?

Arlo: No.

Emerson: She ate em. Wow.

Sera: No I didn't..

John: You ate em in front of my eyes....

Sera: So?

Blyke: I'm going to puke again.

Isen: Seraphina, ate amputated balls. That deserves a-

Isen: Kinky.

Arlo: For once it is needed.

Sera: Well now I can't have kids.

Isen: Just cheat on him.

Emerson: Will you shut up.

Sera: Why would I?

Arlo: Cause he ain't a man anymore.

John: 😭

Blyke: 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Remi: AGAIN!!


Sera: First off, you didn't cut you balls off. That was something else and I was eating paired cherry shaped gummies.

John: Stop faking it, I saw the blood.

Arlo: She fucking ate them!

Blyke: I can't stop throwing up.

Remi'm: I hate this sexual chat now.

John: My balls are gone and my life is gone.

Sera: Get that country guitar out of your hands.

John: I'm a country singa now.

Isen: Nigga.

Emerson: ISEN NO!!

John: I said singa as a cheap version of singer.

Isen: And I said nigga.

Remi: Isen, you are a horrible person.

Isen: I'm also homophobic.

Arlo: Yeah no I don't believe that.

Fiore: You are a damn Jarlo shipper. Stop lying.

Isen: I like lies.


Sera: Oh my god John just made a country album.

John: Its on Spotify! Look!

Arlo: I gave it a listen and 90% of the songs are about how he lost his balls

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Arlo: I gave it a listen and 90% of the songs are about how he lost his balls.

John: My balls, My Balls, there were my pride and jooooy! Until, the hoooe stole them from meee.

Arlo: You're singing the worst song in the album.

Sera: I still ate them.

Blyke: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Remi: EW AGAIN!!!

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